2008. január 11., péntek

65 - Dr. Wass Albert . Co-President of The Transylvanian World Federation, Dr. Wass Albert . Erdelyi Vilagszovetseg-Tarselnoke!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr.Wass Albert
született Válaszút, 1908. január 8.
meghalt Florida, 1998.
február 17.

Forrás: Dr. Alex Sándor Kolozsy C.D.V.A. Ausztralia

czegei gf. Dr. Wass Albert, count Dr. Albert Wass de Czege.

sculptured by Kolozsy.


First copy. is in Holt Maros Szekely land Transylvania,(Rumania)

The second bronze is in Bonyhad.Hungary.


Kolozsy szobramuvesz alkotasa.


Elso peldany a muvesz adomanya Holt Marosi Reformatus Templomnek.

Masodik peldany a Wass Csalad rendelese Bonyhard varosanak Magyarorszagra.


My reply is in English- Hungaryan

Valaszom Angolul-Magyarul..


Geza Wass de Czege, Family friends and Hungarian Countrymen.

Dear Geza,

First of all I thank you very much for your English language tribute on your Late father's 100 Year Remembrance of his birthday January 8th.

It is all nice, that everybody always remembers him as a great Transylvanian Hungarian Writer and Poet, but he was much more than this!

Because we shouldn't ever forget that your dear father Grof Albert Wass as the Transylvanian World Federation Co-President, against all difficulties he was steadfast, working with his writings, books and his memorandums, in various world forums, including The White House USA, for decades for our people- the Hungarians and Szekelys in Transylvania/Rumania.

I, as a Transylvanian World Federation Co-President Sydney Branch, who knew him personally and worked with him for some decades, for our people's benefit, suggest to you very strongly, that we have to remember him, not only for his writing but for his long hard work, for the benefit of our suffering people in Transylvania.

We must remember him as our people's Warrior and Transylvanian Grand Father of us all.

God Bless his memory, and our people in the Karpathian basement. Best wishes to you all: Sandor.

Dr, Alex Sandor Kolozsy. C.D.V.A.


Freedom Fighter-1956.

Co-President of The Transylvanian World Federation.

President of th Sydney Brach. (1981-2005)


Australia. click on the Wass Family e-mail attachment for the messagge, and photograps.


czegei Wass Geza, csalad, baratok, es Magyar testverek.

Kedves Geza!

Eloszor is koszonom a hozzam is elkuldott angol nyelvu Wass Albert batyam 100-eves szuletesnapi megemlekezot januar.8. 2008.

Mint szep, hogy allandoan mindenki Ot, Gf. Dr. Wass Albertot csakis mint erdelyi Magyar Irot, koltot emlit meg,!

De O tobb is volt ennel!

Mert nemszabad elfelejteni, hogy edesapatok Grof Dr. Wass Albert, mint Erdelyi Vilagszovetseg Tarselnoke is hosszu evtiezdeken at kitartoan kuzdott, dolgozot irasaival konyveivel, memorandumaival rendszeressen verte a Larmafat a Feher Hazban, es Vilagszerte a Rumaniai-Erdelyi Magyar, Szekely, nepunk erdekeben!

En mint ugyancsak EVSZ-Tarselnoke, EVSZ Sydneyi Csoport elnoke, aki szemelyes ismeretseggel ugyancsak evtizedeken at dolgoztam vele , a kozos ugy, a nepunk erdekeben, en erossen javasolom mindenkinek, hogy a nepunkert az erdelyi rumaniai magyarsagert valo munkassaga utan meg kell, hogy adjuk neki a tiszteletet, s meg kell, hogy emlekezzunk rolla, mint az erdelyi magyarsag Nemzetkozi harcosa, Erdely Nagy Attyja!

Isten aldaja meg emleket, es nepunket a Karpatmedenceben!

Magyaros testveri barati tisztelettel, udvozlettel: Sandor.

Dr. Kolozsy Sandor.C.D.V.A/



Erdelyi Vilagszovetseg Tars-Sydneyi Csoport elnoke. 1981-2005.

nehai Wass Albert EVSZ-Tarselnok szemel;yes ismeretsegu, hosszu evtiezedes Nemzetkozi munkatarsa,

a nepunk, az erdelyi-rumaniai magyarsag erdekeben!



Kattintsanak ra a csatolekra, a Wass csaladtol valo e-mailon letezo uzenetert,es a fenyekepekert!

