2009. szeptember 6., vasárnap

3.265 - IGM ADORJÁN András: Rekordlassúsággal bár, de összeállt verseskötetem, melynek címe ŐSZES VERSEIM - mottó: Szomorkodom, tehát vagyok...

Von: Adorján András
Gesendet: vasárnap, 2009. szeptember 6. 11:38
An: Kutasi József




Rekordlassúsággal bár, de összeállt verseskötetem, melynek címe   ŐSZES VERSEIM - mottó: Szomorkodom, tehát vagyok...

Tartalma: 203 vers + 17 angol (ld csatt), Bölcselmek és marhaságok, Dalok,dalszövegek,

műfordítások, valamint a 2001 -ben a sajtónak bemutatott,18 dalt tartalmazó 2/1 CD további

ámogató híján(!) félbemaradt  1956 - Aki magyar (Jenei-Kocsis L / AA) rock  opera teljes

kerettörténete (KLM). A további dalok szövege a helyén. (Gerő - beszéd / okt 23, Mindszenty

szózat/ november 3., A remény,  Márciusban Újra Kezdjük - ZÁRÓKÉP)

Meg a torzó születésének romantikus, ám ... története.


MEGJELENIK a "POSZTUMUSZ könyveim" sorozatban  ( 1950 - ??)

Miért?  Mert akkor majd megveszitek, tán még el is olvassátok, pupákok!


Üdvözlettel: AA


H-1053 BUDAPEST, Kálvin tér 2. II/4. HUNGARY
Tel./fax: (36-1) 318-6259, E-mail:

17.07.92. Hong Kong

It was Jun(e)        (Jun egy női név…)


It was June and it was hot, awful

We fell in love that was unlawful

We've tasted the forbidden fruit

And we knew it was too true to be good


There was no future, but the constant danger

We've been followed by watchful eyes, green

From envy, red with anger

There was the Great Wall between us standing

Above our heads the sword of Damocle hanging


How could we possibly last any longer

It's tiring to be a hero, show yourself stronger

Than you really are, there comes a time

When you rather want to become a victim of crime


There came then November, a windy one, cold

Stolen days of happiness on my way to grow old

Another parting, new tears, and the familiar pain

In our hearts, and that fall of tropical, heavy, cruel rain


But again it was June same season, same place

The same hopeless couple meeting, same kind of human

- different race

The old game of hide and seek worrisome but funny

Illusions vanishing into deep nothing, more bitterness, less honey


It was June, November, June again so is it now over?

No! It is Jun with me, small, everlasting, unspoiled flower

Life goes on, you know, one has to be realistic sober

But as they rightly say it's not and never over

Until it's really, deadly over



13.10.'91. Istanbul

OK Lord, You win again... (A little revolt)


Listen Lord, you can't complain, I was doing fine

Maybe not always but most of the time

I do respect your law and order

But I fear, I'm just getting nowhere


I was born, as I was told, wasn't I?

And step by step I grow old, it’s all right

I've learned my lessons well

I saw too little heaven, too much hell


Am I being (You think) unfair? It may be the case

Did I ever say I'm the pride of human race?

Go ahead , admit you made me damn feeble

And let me tempted by a lot of evil


Master, can't you see I really need a rest

So give me a break, and please no more test

I hit the floor far too often, let's put the record strait

It's hard and getting harder to stand up again before eight


Didn't I serve you faithfully, humbly?

Wasn't I though enough for a man made of clay?

So where is my reward, Father Almighty?

Or at least your great mercy, would you mind to say?


- Don't get official, not again this time skip that line

No eternity stuff, I want now what's mine

Do you know that at all what is hunger, what's thirst?

Do you know for god's sake what is bad, and what's worse?


Don't call me beloved child, unless you're pulling my leg

Blabble less, give more, Your Highness, don't let me beg

Sometimes I can't distinguish a night from a day

And you still think I shall endlessly obey?


Goddamn it Holy Dad, pardon me, I quit

The clown leaves the stage, thanks, no more shit

Where is my fair share, kindly keep your promised land

In just half a wink I want a gentle hand


- sobering  SILENCE -


Okay Lord, You win again, there was never a chance I stood

If you must be hard on me, it is just understood

I'm back to work, cheerful as ever Boss

Let me find  rushingly , and carry further my cross


Show me, please the rainbow of Hope, let it shine

For just a moment or two - thanks! Everything 's fine

Let it be by your wish, I shall accept Your will

Bless me with the task of struggling uphill...

