2009. november 15., vasárnap

3.897 - Várkonyi Zsolt: Jobbik Condemns Ukraine's anti-Hungarian Measures

Von: Völgyi Péter
Gesendet: Sonntag, 15. November 2009 17:35
An: terezia@jozsef-kutasi.de
Betreff: Press statement 15/11/2009

Home | Europe | Jobbik Condemns Ukraine's anti-Hungarian Measures

Jobbik Condemns Ukraine's anti-Hungarian Measures

13/11/2009 19:26:00

Spurred on by the international “success” of the anti-Hungarian Slovak language law, and no-doubt encouraged by the European Union’s disgraceful tacit backing of it, Ukraine has considered it timely to also commence the beginning of the final elimination of its own Hungarian minority; which lives in the Kárpátalja region, found today in extreme South-Western Ukraine.

Ivan Vakartsuk, the Ukranian Minister of Education, has ordered the execution of a government decree dating back to 2008, by which minority language study books will no longer be financed or supplied to schools in the name of “improving educational efficiency for the state’s official language.” Thus starting the linguistic extinction of the region’s Hungarians, which he no doubt hopes will eventually lead to their eventual ethnic eradication.

Readers will recall that the Kingdom of Hungary was dismembered into what are now eight successor countries, by the shameful Trianon “Peace” Dictate of 1920. 

It should be noted that a referendum was held in the Kárpátalja region on 1st December 1991, on the issue of separation from the Ukraine, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union which took place in that year. Not only did the region’s Hungarian minority vote for autonomy, but so did most of the majority Ruthenian population – who do not consider themselves Ukranian either; together amounting to a 78 per cent vote in favour of autonomy. 

Despite this, the wishes of the majority of the region’s population remain cruelly and deliberately ignored to this day. 

Aware of the sweeping consequences of the referendum, a few days later, on 6th December 1991, the then Hungarian Prime Minister József Antall hurried to Kiev to sign the “Hungarian-Ukrainian Agreement”. 

Within this agreement the Republic of Hungary totally, unconditionally, and without provision, compensation or assurance, renounced her claim to Kárpátalja; and by extension surrendered the claim to self-determination of the region’s Hungarian minority; to a country, namely the Ukraine, which had never throughout its whole history had any connection, presence, interest or right to any territory whatsoever within the Carpathian basin.

The parties currently sitting in the Hungarian Parliament were at the time similarly, characteristically and unsurprisingly mute at Antall’s draconian abuse of, indifference towards, and contempt for, the universal human and minority rights of his ethnic brethren. 

Jobbik, the Movement for a Better Hungary, considers it of paramount importance to announce, that contingent upon its strength and its opportunities, it will vex, hinder, frustrate and prevent both in the Hungarian Parliament and on international platforms – including the European Union – any and all possible future attempt or endeavour whose purpose is the admission of the Ukranian Republic into the European Union. Until such time as the indigenous minorities living in Kárpátalja enjoy the historically deserved and long-overdue, full, personal, cultural and territorial autonomy which is their right. 

A peaceful and satisfying resolution to the deplorable situation of the Hungarian minorities in the successor countries is vital for the successful development of the entire region, and so by extension Europe itself. Therefore it cannot and should not be postponed or ignored any longer. 

Zsolt Várkonyi

Foreign Affairs Council