2012. április 5., csütörtök

12.412 - (Hungarian-Lobby,82) A MAGYAR LOBBI AKCIÓ FELHÍVÁSA (2012, Április 6)

Feladó: <Liptakbela
Dátum: 2012. április 5. 14:17
Tárgy: (Hungarian-Lobby,82) A MAGYAR LOBBI AKCIÓ FELHÍVÁSA (2012, Április 6)
Címzett: Kutasi József Antal




(2012, Április 6)


v     Azon igyekszünk, hogy a költő álma valóra váljon: „ A magyar név megint szép lesz, méltó régi nagy híréhez!---és, hiszünk abban, hogy ezért érdemes dolgozni, nem szavakkal, tettekkel!

v     Célunk a Trianon okozta sebek gyógyítása, elszakított testvéreink autonómiája

v     Célunk a fassizmus és kommunizmus ejtette lelki sebek gyógyítása

v     Terjesztjük  az „Aki magyar velünk tart" és a „Nézz a tükörbe!"szellemét, nem a másikra mutogatunk, hanem tesszük amit lehet, mert, „a jövő rajtunk múlik!"

v     Szolgáljuk a szomszédainkkal való megbékélést, a Visegrád-szerű összefogást mely idővel elvezethet a Dunai Konfederációhoz és Európa nyugatra billent egyensúlyának helyreállítását.

v      Tudjuk, hogy a nemzet erejét nem a hadserege, hanem tankönyvei és  a közös kulturális öröksége jelentik.

v     Nemzetünknek a multban legnagyobb hibája az volt, hogy vagy nem bízott önmagában vagy elbízta magát. Ezen fogunk változtatni.


Széchenyi István:

 " Egynek minden nehéz; soknak semmi sem lehetetlen....Tõlünk függ minden, csak akarnunk kell... Azokból a kövekbõl, melyek utunkba gördülnek,egy kis ügyességgel lépcsõt építhetünk....Magyarország nem volt, hanem lesz!"

Deák Ferenc:

Magyarországot nem uszító gondolatokkal nyugtalanítva, hanem köznapi, hasznos és a jólétet gyarapító tettek sorával kell szeretni!"

Bibó István:

„Demokratának lenni mindenekelőtt annyit tesz, mint nem félni: nem félni a más véleményűektől, a más nyelvűektől, a más fajúaktól, a forradalomtól, az összeesküvésektől, az ellenség ismeretlen gonosz szándékaitól, az ellenséges propagandától, a lekicsinyléstől és egyáltalán mindazoktól az imaginárius veszedelmektől, melyek azáltal válnak valódi veszedelmekké, hogy félünk tőlük."





      Múltheti akcióinkról

      Akció 1: Levél a State Department-nek

                          Ludányi András levele

                          HSA Newsletter

      Akció 2: Rákoczy Szövetség támogatása



       Obama elnök úrnak küldött Petíció és az aláírók listája

       A magyar írók, művészek és tudósok szövetségeinek Nyilatkozata

       Erdélyi zsidó népzene bemutató a Magyar Konzulátuson




Múltheti akcióinkról


Elnézést kérek, hogy az egyéni levelekre az elmúlt héten nem tudtam válaszolni, mert úton voltam. Ugyanakkor egy ismétlődő kérdésre most válaszolni szeretnék, arra ugyanis, hogy a mult heti akció javaslatomban miért nem említettem a magam találmányát? Ennek oka az, hogy az RFC kivitelezése hatalmas befektetést és évtizedes kutatómunkát igényel, míg én olyan terveket kivántam a magyar kormány illetékeseinek ajánlani, melyek biztosan számíthatnak EU támogatásra és azonnal a munkaalkalmak ezreit teremthetik meg.


Külön megköszönöm a Magyar Érdekszövetség azon résztvevőinek munkáját, kik vagy arról értesítettek, hogy továbbították az új technológiák Magyarországon való kivitelezési javaslataimat, vagy segítettek abban, hogy megőrizzük az ország legfontosabb képvislője feddhetetlenségét, méltóságát. Most (mielött e heti akcióinkra térnék) arra kérem az HL résztvevőit, hogy segítsenek annak elérésében is, hogy az új elnök, az összmagyarság képviseletére érdemes, pártokon felül álló, nyelveket beszélő és köztiszteletben álló személy legyen. Másszóval kérjék a FIDESZ vezetőit, hogy ne használják ki parlementi többségüket, hanem úgy bonyolítsák le a választást, ahogy akkor látnák azt kivánatosnak, ha kisebbségben lennének.


Akció #1: Levél a State Department-nek


Korábbi egyik akciónk volt egy 2011 Január 31.-én feladott és 107 személy által aláírt petíció elküldése Obama elnök úrnak (melyhez a Magyar Írószövetség nyilatkozatát is mellékeltük) és melyben azt kértük: utasítsa a State Departmentet, hogy más államok belpolitikájába ne avatkozzon bele (Melléklet 1). Ugyanerre kértük később a JHU-n és a Princeton egyetemeken dolgozó és a magyar ellenzékkel szimpatizáló csoportokat is. Akciónk eredményes volt, a fent említett gócok elcsendesedtek és a State Department sem tett további lépéseket.

Most azért írok, mert az amerikai magyar egyetemi tanárokat képviselő Hungarian Studies Association (HSA, http://www.hungarianstudies.info/news/2011-05.pdf , www.hungarianstudies.info ) egy levél tervezetet köröz, mely újra felkavarhatja ezt az ügyet, ugyanis újra elismétli az otthoni ellenzék politikai álláspontjait és a demokráciáért való aggódás címén újból a State Department beavatkozását kéri a magyar választóknak, a szavazó urnáknál kifejezett demokratikus döntésébe. A HSA vezetői által megfogalmazott és a tagság aláírásait kérő levelet, melyet többek között a State Departmentnek is elküldenének károsnak és elfogultnak tartom.

Ezért alább ide mellékelem Dr. Ludányi András erre vonatkozó levelét, illetve a HSA levélvázlatát és kérem az HL résztvevői közül azokat akik egyetértenek Ludányi Professzorral, kérjék a HSA vezetőit, hogy hagyjanak fel igyekezetükkel, ne küldjék el a State Departmentnek ezt a levelet:


HSA Elnök: Iván Emese - emese.ivan@gmail.com

HSA Közlöny Szerkesztő: Glanz Zsuzsa - glanzs@gmail.com






TO: emese.ivan@gmail.com, glanzs@gmail.com


Emese, Cathy, and all enthusiasts of the "draft" letter as well as friends and colleagues:

I too want to join Professor Jeszenszky in congratulating George Karolyi (of the Joseph Karolyi Foundation) for his principled and balanced critique of the proposed "draft" letter to the U.S. State Department.

I also would like to join George Karolyi in distancing myself from any effort to involve the U.S. State Department in the internal affairs of Hungary. Ms. Ivan's draft letter is nothing more nor less than part of a concerted effort to besmirch anything that relates to present-day Hungary. This campaign is orchestrated by a handful of disappointed MSzP and SzDSz party fellow-travelers. The very terminology, the propagandistic edge, and non-scholarly approach as Professor Klimo notes, is self-incriminatory. The HSA should not be signatory to it as an association. If individuals wish to send such a letter it is their personal prerogative. But the HSA
should not become party to the process for at least three reasons: 1. the objective and style of the letter, 2. its contradiction of the purposes of the HSA, and 3. that such a letter violates the rights of all members who do not want to be signatories. Overall it is nothing more than fouling your own nest. Sincerely,

Andrew Ludanyi
Emeritus Professor of Political Science
Ohio Northern University




March, 2012 , HSA  NEWSLETTER

Letter to Hungarian Embassy, Hungarian Cultural Institute, and the US State Department

At its 2011 annual meeting held in Washington, D.C. at the meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), the Hungarian Studies Association expressed its concern about certain policies of the current Hungarian government and the two governing parties of FIDESZ and KDNP, which falsify or distort Hungarian history. The Hungarian Studies Association (HSA) was founded in 1970 as the pre-eminent academic organization in North America promoting the study of Hungarian history, society, and culture and working to maintain contacts with scholars in Hungary. In recent years, our membership has expanded to include colleagues from around the world, including Australia, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, and Japan.

In the past year, the current Hungarian government has taken steps to remove historical symbols from public spaces that do not conform to its politicized interpretation of national history. It has passed laws that impose greater state control over school curricula across the country and that associate members of the main opposition party with the Communist-era Hungarian Socialist Worker's Party. Finally, we are also disturbed that open denials of the Holocaust have met with no public rebuke, despite the fact that a 2009 law prohibited Holocaust denial. That law was reconfirmed in 2010 after the victory of the present coalition government. Given these events, our members have no choice but to express their collective dismay in this formal letter.

The Removal of "Politically Incorrect" Symbols and Statues

In the past year, the government has taken the following Orwellian actions to remove unwanted historical figures from public sight and thus from public memory:

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Square was renamed Széchenyi Square at the initiative of the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, József Pálinkás, a member of the cabinet in the first Orbán government. Removing the name of the U.S. President, who was a leader of the Allied forces in World War II, from this prominent square contributes to the revival of a long-discredited interpretation of the war, according to which Hungary joined forces with Nazi Germany in a "just" war against the Allies.

2. At a recent unveiling of a Trianon memorial , Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén blamed Count Mihály Károlyi, the late President of the First Hungarian Republic (1918-1919), for the punitive Peace Treaty of Trianon, despite the fact that prominent historians in Hungary and in the United States have shown this canard – a staple of interwar-era right-wing rhetoric – to be false. Representatives of FIDESZ and the neo-Nazi Jobbik Party, who together form a majority in the City Council of Budapest, compounded this problem in mid-November this year, when they voted to turn off the nightly spotlight on the statue of Károlyi.

3. The planned governmental reconstruction of Kossuth Square in front of Parliament to its 1944 state will lead not only to the removal of the statue of Count Károlyi, but also to that of the Hungarian poet, Attila József. József, who was a committed leftist throughout his life and was for a time a member of the illegal Communist Party, is now universally regarded as one of the greatest of Hungary's modernist poets. He has also been among the most widely read and translated Hungarian poets internationally. Given József's political commitments during his life, it is difficult to see the current government's removal of the statue of Attila József from Kossuth Square as a simple act of literary criticism. Instead, this too is a politically motivated reinvention of Hungarian history.

4. We are also disturbed to see that the Hungarian Parliament passed a law that abolished the Imre Nagy medal as an official decoration of the government. Nagy was the martyred prime minister and leader of the 1956 Revolution. Because Nagy was a communist, those in power now underplay his historic role, rewriting and falsifying the history of the 1956 Revolution in the process. The government's decision to deny continued financial support to the 1956 Historical Research Institute is further evidence of this trend.

Repeated Acceptance of Public Holocaust Denial

5. On November 17, 2011, Tamás Gaudi-Nagy a Jobbik MP, denied the Hungarian Holocaust on the floor of the Hungarian Parliament. Neither the Speaker of the House nor any other government official reprimanded Gaudi-Nagy or initiated any type of sanction against him. Indeed, anti-Semitic speeches from the right that are based on the falsification of history are now almost daily occurrences on the floor of Parliament with no sanctions raised against them.

Legal Distortion of the Past and New Barriers to Historical Research

6. On December 20, 2011, parliament passed the Public Education Law. Among its many provisions, this Law imposes mandatory directions for lesson plans, which leave very little room for individual teachers to construct lessons independently. The Law also increases state control over the publication and distribution of textbooks to schools, virtually eliminating the possibility of any alternative textbooks. We do not take comfort in the statements of Hungarian State Secretary of Education, Rózsa Hoffmann, who explained that this law introduces a "value-based school system," which will replace an older "value-neutral – decisively liberal – mentality." Clearly the

intention of the government is to control more carefully the interpretation of Hungarian history that will be taught to schoolchildren across the country.

7. On December 30, 2011, FIDESZ and Jobbik MPs hastily passed a set of laws at year's end, after the left-of-center parties, protesting the proposed legislation, walked out. A part of Law T/5005 (Magyarország Alaptörvényének Átmeneti Rendelkezései) identifies the democratic opposition Hungarian Socialist Party (HSP) as successor to the pre-1989 communist Hungarian Socialist Workers Party (HSWP) and holds it responsible for the "crimes" of the HSWP. Holding the HSP responsible for the actions of the HSWP is like blaming the children for the crimes of their parents. This is a clear distortion of recent Hungarian history. According to the new law, a National Memory Committee (Nemzeti Emlékezet Bizottság) will be set up "for the sake of the preservation by the state of memory connected with the communist dictatorship" and will publicly identify the "holders of power" during the communist period. These individuals would then labor under this public stigma and would have no right to privacy. The law defines the term "holders of power" vaguely and broadly; in effect, the term could include anybody who lived under the communist regime and who held even a minor leadership position in the HSWP or in a branch of the state government. This policy will have a chilling effect on historical research since most historians who deal with the communist period would understandably be reluctant to see the results of their research used as evidence in a witch-hunt. This policy, like the others described above, clearly manipulates historical memory and historical research to political ends.


Akció #2: Rákóczy Szövetség Támogatása

Kérjük az HL résztvevőit, hogy vállaljanak részt a felvidéki magyar családok magyar nyelvû iskolába beiratkozó gyermekeinek támogatásában. A program keretében a magyar iskolába beíratott gyermekek a beiratkozás évében egyszeri 10 ezer forintos ösztöndíjban részesülnek. Ezidáig a Rákóczy Szövetség már több mint 3,000 ilyen ösztöndíjat adott. Az adományok a következő címre küldhetőek:


1027, Budapest, Szász Károly utca 1. IV. em.1.


1255, Budapest, Pf. 23.










11705008-20488172 (OTP Bank)

Felvidéki Oktatási Támogatás

Melléklet 1: Petíció Obama Elnök Úrnak

Béla G. Lipták, P.E.

84 Old N. Stamford Rd., Stamford, CT 06905,

Tel/Fax: 203-357-7614

E: Liptakbela@aol.com



January 31, 2012

President Barack Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500


Dear Mr. President,


Please find attached a petition signed by a number of American-Hungarians, including myself. The signers are all independent voters who are concerned about the letter that was sent to Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This letter resulted in a media campaign against Hungary, with some articles actually suggesting that the American goal is to topple the Hungarian government by using our influence on the IMF/ECB to deny them the needed loan guarantees. We are asking you to categorically deny all that.


We are asking you to correct this unfortunate anti-Hungarian impression and instead to support our main concern, which is the guaranteeing of the collective human rights of the oppressed Hungarian minorities in the neighboring states of Hungary. We also ask that when you have received the reliable report from our Congressional Delegation, which will be visiting Hungary later in February, please do reverse the present misguided anti-Hungarian policies.


We ask you do reestablish our historic friendship with the nation that in 1956 lost 2% of its population in the struggle that mortally wounded the brutal Soviet Empire, a struggle that was fought for the American ideals of freedom and independence.


Dear Mr. President, thank you in advance for helping Hungary and be assured that we, the politically independent Hungarian-Americans will reciprocate by reelecting you in November.


Respectfully yours, 

Béla Lipták


CC : The 9 members of the Congressional Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Hungarian-American Petition to

President Barack Obama


We are from among those members of the over one million Hungarian-American community who are politically Independent voters. We are concerned about the letter which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent to the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán. We are concerned, because by supporting the opposition, the letter interferes with the internal political affairs of Hungary. We do understand that the Secretary's letters are prepared by her assistants, - some probably supporters of the Hungarian opposition -, but her letter was sent under her signature and therefore the media views it as the American position. 


The IMF and the EU are applying pressure on Hungary which borders on the neo-colonial behavior and unlike Greece or Italy, Hungary is also being lectured about her "democracy". As far as the EU and the Western media are concerned, the "crime" of Hungary is not only its inept economic strategy, but also its promotion of cultural and political values that run counter to what is deemed to be "politically correct" in Brussels.


As you know, the current Hungarian government was swept into office by a landslide and in spite of the state of the economy, still enjoys the support of a significant majority of the voters. This was shown on the 21st of January, when well over 100,000 pro-government citizens demonstrated and expressed their displeasure with the foreign interference in Hungary's affairs. They feel that their government had the right to revise the institutional infrastructure and and it's officials as necessary, because the previous administration was corrupt, incompetent and served the pre-1989 political elite..


While parts of the harsh criticism in Secretary Clinton's letter might have some validity, that is not the point! The point is that the letter should not have been written in the first place! This is because:


1)      The Hungarians have the right to decide how they want to structure their institutions and this structure is consistent with European standards. For example: The number of judges on our our Supreme Court changed several times. The Hungarian media is not supervised any more than others in Europe and the Media Authority, - the equivalent of the FCC -, was cleared by the EU itself. On the issue of religion, similarly to Hungary, Britain, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Norway all emphsize their Christian heritage and Hungary's Christian view of merriage is not unique at all in Europe.

2)      We also object to Mrs. Clinton's letter, because its content came, from the supporters of the Hungarian opposition, having the goal of toppling a freely elected government.

3)      Because although the leaders of China, Russia or Saudi Arabia might deserve such letters, the Prime Minister of Hungay does not.

4)      Because Mrs. Clinton's letter resulted in a media campaign against Hungary, with some articles actually suggesting that the American goal is to topple the Hungarian government by using our influence on the IMF/ECB to deny Hungary the needed loan guarantees. Mr. President, we are asking you to categorically deny all that. This media campaign hurt Hungary's good name, reputation and gave an excuse to the IMF and ECB to resist issuing their loan guarantees. We used the term „excuse" because these banks are not truly interested in cultural or ideological matters. The reason they are retaliating is because Hungary dared to tax the banks and limit the salaries of their officers.

5)      Mr. President, it is the above propaganda campaign that is our main concern. We are not concerned about the EU court case! Those legal issues are resolved as routine technicalities: there are some 2,000 such cases pending in the EU and last year just Hungary resolved some 14 or Spain 60 of them. So the new ones will also be easily resolved.


We ask you, Mr. President to help make us, Hungarian-Americans to be proud of our heritage. Please help to protect Hungary from the suffocating exploitation by the globalized banking industry and please speak up for the collective human rights of the oppressed Hungarian minorities in the countries surrounding Hungary. We ask you that when you receive the report of our Congressional Delegation that will be visiting Hungary in February, please do reverse the present misguided anti-Hungarian policies of your administration. Please do reestablish our historic friendship with the nation that in 1956 lost 2% of its population in the struggle that mortally wounded the brutal Soviet Empire, a struggle that was fought for the American ideals of freedom and independence.


Dear Mr. President, thank you in advance for helping Hungary, so that we, the politically independent Hungarian-Americans, can reciprocate by reelecting you in November.


Respectfully yours,


The list of the signers f the above petition as of February 6, 2012

Dezso Acs

Oakdale  MN. 55128


Aranyi Katalin

No data


Agnes Arany-Makkai



Prof. Karoly Balogh

Lincoln, MA 01773


Dr. Sandor Balogh, prof.

North Port, FLA, 34287


Sara Balogh

North Port, FLA, 34287


Emoke Basa

Centreville, VA


Rev. Béla Bernhardt

Lakewood, OH 


Ildiko Berty

Tustin, CA 92780


Thomas E. Berty

Tustin, CA 92780


Bela J. Bognar



April Minor Bognar  



Dr. Laszlo J. Bollyky

Stamford, CT


Klara  Borossay

Oceanside,Ca. 92057


Arpad Steve Borossay

Oceanside,Ca. 92057


Eva Botai

Warren, NJ 07059


Matild Crawford

Honolulu, HI. 96825


Beatrix K. Csaky  

Gilbert, AZ 85233


Julius I. Csaky 

Gilbert, AZ 85233  


Gyula L. Csaky 

Franklin, NJ 


Miklos A. Csaky

Gilbert, AZ  85233  


Adam Csapo

Warren, NJ 07059


Csaba Csenteri

Centreville, VA


Kinga Csepreghy

Bellevue, WA 98007


Laszlo Csepreghy

Bellevue, WA


Geza Cseri

McLean, VA 22101


Czabaffy Csaba

Chicago, IL 60646


Hedy Devenyi

Sarasota, Florida


Rev. Arpad Drotos, Pastor

New York, NY 10028-2701


Melinda E. Dugan 

Ambler, PA    


Victor L. Fischer

Wantagh, NY


Peter Forgach MD 

Williamsville, NY 14221


Dr. Gellerd Judit

Honolulu, HI


Stephen Gulyas  

Cresskill, NJ 


Winifred G. Gulyas

 Darien, CT   


Winifred W. Gulyas  

Cresskill, NJ  


Eva E. Gutay

West Lafayette, IN


Prof. Laszlo J. Gutay

West Lafayette, IN


Dr. Laszlo Gyulassy

San Francisco, Ca, 94123.


Prof. Miklós Gyulassy

Pelham, NY 10803


Györgyi Gyulassy

Pelham, NY 10803


Marian von Hanstein

Sun City, AZ


Ilona Hargitay

Scottsdale Arizona


Susan M. Marton Herger

Westminster, CO 80031


Zoltan L Herger

Westminster, CO 80031


dr. Tamas Hetenyi

North Billerica, MA, 01862


Andy Hites

Columbia, Ca.


Edith Holeczy

Gurnee, Il


Edit L.Horvath

Minneapolis,Mn.55421 2448


Jeno Horvath

Rochester NY, 14609


Lajos J.Horvath

Minneapolis,Mn.55421 2448


Prof. Agnes Huszar Vardy

Pittsburgh, PA


Frank Kapitány

Annapolis MD,


Laszlo Kerkay

Garfield, NJ 07026


Gabriella Kiss

Peoria, Arizona


Joseph Kiss

Peoria, Arizona


Joe Kiss

Sausalito. California


Tunde Kiss

Phoenix, Arizona


Laszlo J. Korbuly

Sarasota, FL  34238


Ferenc Korompai

Temple, TX 76502-3137


Geza Kosa-Szantho

Port Chester, NY. 10573


Vilma Kosa-Szantho

Port Chester, NY. 10573


Zoltan Kosa- Szantho

Port Chester, NY. 10573


Géza J. Kogler

Garden City, MI. 48135


Dr. Peter Kovalszki

Shelby Twp,MI 48317


Dr. Kövári Katalin

Tavernier, Florida 33070


Joseph Kruy 

Weston, MA 02493


Charlotte Kruy 

Weston, MA 02493


Laszlo Laskai, Ph.D.

Jersey City, NJ 07303


Lath Jozsef

Newton MA 02460


Kalman N. Lehoczky,  P.E.

Palmetto, Florida


Melinda A. Lehoczky

Palmetto, Florida


Ilona Lin

Wauconda IL 60084


Béla Lipták

Stamford, CT


Rev. Zoltan Lizik

Windosr, ON


Judith Magyar

Somerset, NJ


Kálmán Magyar

Passaic, NJ


Prof. Dr. Adam Makkai

Waianae, Hawaii


Balazs Markos

Homesdale, PA  18431


Akos L. Nagy

Not available


Louis I. Nagy

Rochester, NY 14613

email: lnagy@rochester.rr.com

Prof. Judith Némethy

New York, NY 10012


Dr. Valeria Nemeth

Barrington, IL60010


Rev. Gábor G. Nitsch

Latrobe, PA 15650-1644


Kinga Novak

New York, NY 10012


Agnes Pap  

Gilbert, AZ  85233  


Attila Pegán



Prof. Dr. András J. Pellionisz

Sunnyvale, California, 94086


Prof. George Sz. Petrovay

Los Angeles, California


Andrew Pongor

Fuquay Varina ,NC


Marta Pongor

Fuquay Varina ,NC


Alexandra Szablya Ramdin

Seattle, WA  98115


Dr. Rédey László

Not available


John Z. Santo  

Larchmont, NY 


Judit Santo

Larchmont, NY 


Tamas Scullin

Homesdale, PA  18431


Géza Simon

Minneapolis, MN


Camilla Sohar

Warren, NJ 07059


Paul Sohar

Warren, NJ 07059


Helen M. Szablya

Seattle WA 98105


Steve Szappanos

Mentor, OH


Susan Szappanos

Mentor, OH


Prof. Dr S. B. Vardy

Pittsburgh, PA, 15217


Maria Vargha

New Brunswick, NJ 08901


Joshua Wangler

Homesdale, PA  18431


Kinga Wangler

Homesdale, PA  18431


Csaba K. Zoltani

Lutherville, MD 21093


CC : The 9 members of the Congressional Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Representative Dan Burton

Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia

Rep. Gregory Meeks

Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


REP. Del. Donna Christensen

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Rep. John Carter

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Rep. Phil Gingrey

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia

Del. Madeleine Bordallo

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Rep. Steve Pearce

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Rep. Andre Carson

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia


Rep. Frederica Wilson

Member, Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia




Statement by Hungarian Writers, Artists and Scientists


We, Hungarian citizens - writers, artists and scientists by profession - who live in the everyday life of our country and sense and bear the consequences of government decisions, have read and heard with increasing indignation the libellous statements made in the world press and media by certain political circles on the 'democracy deficit' in Hungary. We are aware that such allegations are also made by some Hungarian intellectuals - writers, philosophers, musicians and journalists - with affiliations to the present-day political opposition, whose names are known in the West and who are accorded wide publicity for incitements against their country.

It is imperative that we, intellectuals, belonging to the significant majority of the Hungarian society speak up and reassure those in the Western democracies who are concerned with Hungary's future. We declare that the Hungarian Government has made no encroachments on the basic democratic rights, which the overwhelming majority of Hungary's inhabitants themselves embrace, as they demonstrated in 1956.

Those Hungarian electors who, in 2010, voted the conservative political forces into government with a two-thirds majority, entrusting them with the improvement of social and economic conditions, which had severely deteriorated under the previous socialist administrations, feel especially great responsibility for their homeland. They therefore feel that Hungary should not break away from the democratic community of European nations and the Atlantic world.

The present Hungarian Government, despite external circumstances that have proved more difficult than expected, and despite a few errors they may have made, still enjoys the confidence of this majority. However, they have had to experience that by throwing in false news and lies and hiding behind democratic slogans, some forces aim to divest our people of the very essential democratic right they cherish: the right to judge the performance and the achievements of our Government at the ballot box.

We hope that the intentions that jeopardise Hungary's freedom will be overwhelmed by unbiased public opinion in the Western democracies.



Presidency of the Hungarian Writers' Association,

Presidency of the Hungarian Academy of Arts,

Presidency of the Batthyány Society of Professors


Erdélyi Zsidó Népzene Bemutató a Magyar Konzulátuson

MUZSKÁS: "The lost Jewish music of Transylvania"

Monday, April 16, 2012

7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Hungarian Consulate of New York

227 East 52nd Street, NYC