2009. március 18., szerda

2.050 - A Magyarok Világszövetségének aktori segítségével folyik az egyetlen magyar alapítású Pálos-rend alapítójának Boldog Özséb szenttéavatása.

Von: Palos Passio [mailto:palospassio@gmail.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. März 2009 15:43
An:Kutasi József

Betreff: Boldog Özséb szentté avatása

Why is it important for the Hungarian nation... ...

Why is it important for the Hungarian nation to have a Hungarian based Pauline order? Pauline fathers in the Americas missionary work end service in the new world

http://jozsef-kutasi.de/blogger/palospassioen.pdf Istvan Bakk said: István Bakk:

Why is it important for the Hungarian nation to have a Hungarian based Pauline order?

... The monastery was built in Szentkereszt (Holy Cross) and Eusebius became the first Father Rector. Eusebius, under Thomas Aquinas’ support requested permission to adopt the Rule of St. Augustine from Urban IV, which was not received and documented until 13th December 1308...



István Bakk: Why is it important for the Hungarian nation to have a
Hungarian based Pauline order?

The founder of the Hungarian Pauline Fathers, Özseb, whose name is probably derived from the first Pannonian martyr, Eusebius gained martyrdom under the rule of Valerianus (235-259).
Özséb/Eusebius requested permission from Cardinal Vancsay to form the Pauline Order due to his disappointment of the Andrew II and Béla IV’s leadership after the destruction caused by the Tatars.
A vision of his work confirmed everything for him and the order’s main centre was established and built in 1250. The monastery was built in Szentkereszt (Holy Cross) and Eusebius became the first Father Rector.
Eusebius, under Thomas Aquinas’ support requested permission to adopt the Rule of St. Augustine from Urban IV, which was not received and documented until 13th December 1308.
The Pauline Fathers are the only Hungarian order of monks founded in Hungary itself.
After the death of Eusebius the Hungarian Paulines spread rapidly, and the generosity of King Matthias, who was the most famous Renaissance ruler of the time and possessor of the Holy Crown, supported the order.
The order also obtained Fehéregyház, where Árpad the Magyar Chief, who settled Hungary is buried, thus enabling the order to guard Árpad’s tomb.
At this particular monastery, Mátyás Bakk became the first provost, who also has relatives living in Szekélyland to the present day. In that time there were up to 69 monasteries, although later the number reached 170 in the Hungarian region.
On 15th January 1467 the day when the king defeated Ali Begh St. Paul the Hermit was made a Hungarian patron saint by the king. The name giver to the order, St. Paul the Hermit became defender and protector of the king both internally and the whole region.
Not only were scholars invited to the country by the king, but also church leaders, which explains how Rodrigo Borgia Archbishop of Eger and Abbot of Pétervárád became prelate of Hungary. Incidentally, he also became Pope Alexander VI, and during his time Queen Isabella of Spain, relative of the House of Árpád Kings requested the Paulines to travel to the New World with Columbus.
On October 12th 1492, Columbus landed in America, and according to Alexander IV, we can clearly see that the Hungarian Pauline Order were the first spreaders of the faith, and were also the first bridge builders between Europe and America.
Pauline monasteries could also be found in many European countries such as Austria, Croatia, Portugal, Spain, Poland and many others besides.

The Pauline Fathers from all their monasteries had to meet at a convention, which took place near Buda at a place called Szentlőrinc (now Buda Szentlőrinc). The provost, the superior of and two delegates all the monasteries in each diocese arrived at the meeting every fourth, or rather every eighth year at the main monastery in Hungary.

The Ottoman invasion of Hungary was fatal for the Pauline order later on, as the powerful independent base of the order was lost.
The meeting of the order was moved to the monastery at Máriavölgy due to the destruction of the main Szentlorinc monastery by the Ottomans.
The country split into three and in the eastern region a new king was chosen, John I, who had previously been the voivod (leader) of the same place.
In the western region the younger brother of Charles V was crowned, and became King Ferdinand.
King John, who was struggling with many difficulties, requested the help of provost Brother György, who was made voivod of Transylvania, and who at that time was also cardinal and bishop of Várád, as well as being treasurer and the most well known politician. He negotiated with Bishop Wese, who was the representative of Charles V and Wese tried to convince him to hand over the eastern region.
Brother György, (Bishop of Nagyvárad, Voivod of Transylvania, Cardinal and Archbishop of Esztergom) in virtue of his responsible position was unable to bring about a decision which would have been against the nation’s interests. Neither corruption or bribery, nor treason could change his mind.
György’s ambition to reunite the country did not come true, due to the historical situation of the region. Only Transylvania’s independence could guarantee the avoidance of the Ottoman invasion.
After the unsuccessful negotiation, Charles V and King Ferdinand, members of the Habsburg family murdered Brother György Alvincen Martinuzzi on the night of December 16th, 1551.
The news of the murdered Archbishop of Esztergom shocked Europe.
Along with the murder came the looting of Transylvania’s treasures.
With the invasion of the Ottomans, the Paulines moved to Poland. And due to the increasing strength of the Polish Paulines a split from the Hungarian order took place in 1784. The Polish king Stanislaw August Poniatowski had caused the break away process by his claims. That is why the diocese of the order separated from Hungary, as well as the Father Rector in 1784. The beginning of Pope Pius VI’s breviary “Apostolicae Sedis auctoritas” stated that the Polish diocese of the order is separated from the main Hungarian one.
Franz Joseph II dissolved all religious orders, including the Paulines in 1786.
Although, the dissolution act of 1786 was withdrawn in 1790 it did not include the Paulines.
The order tried to re-establish itself in 1864, 1902, 1918 and in 1934.
Then in 1989 through Fr. Vince Árva of Pilisszántó the order was re-established, and the beatification process of Blessed Eusebius was pushed forward. Not only this, but he also hopes that the Polish order’s rule of the ancient order will cease and a new Hungarian leadership and centre will be established.
On February 8th, 2008 Fr. Vince Árva sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI giving an account the work involved in the beatification process of Blessed Eusebius, and the other necessary documentation required in the process.

HonlevÚl hßtoldalHonlevÚl hßtoldal



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A Magyarok Világszövetségének aktori segítségével folyik az egyetlen magyar alapítású Pálos-rend alapítójának Boldog Özséb szenttéavatása.

Miért fontos Boldog Özséb szenttéavatása?

Azért, mert az ő szellemiségével működő magyar rend segítette és segíti a magyar nemzet felemelkedését, továbbá igazolja a Magyarország történelmi nagyhatalmát és tisztázza a magyarok Újvilágban (Amerikában) betöltött szerepét is.

A magyar pálos szerzetesek ismertek voltak a középkorban úgy a spanyol, mint portugál királyi udvarban, ezért magyar pálosokat hívtak Dél-Amerika belső részének felfedezéséhez és indiának megtérítéséhez is.

A pálosok voltak az úttörők a városok alapításánál, sokfajta akadállyal dacolva, szembeszállva a vadon, s az ott élő ragadozó állatok veszélyével. A pálosok bírálták a hódítok, a katonák, az aranykeresők és kalandorok kapzsiságát és brutalitását. Minden erejüket, energiájukat az indiánok, az őslakok védelmére fordították. A magyar papok magas tudományos műveltségüknél fogva nemcsak misszionáriusok voltak, hanem egyetemi professzorok; geográfusok, csillagászok, botanikusok és másféle tudósok, kiknek munkája nyomán ma is virágzó egyetemek létesültek a térségben, birodalmi és országhatárok jöttek létre, vagyis munkásságuk jegyeit évszázadokra kiható módon ott hagyták Latin-Amerika szinte minden országában.

A két kontinenst, Európát és Amerikát összekötő közös szentünk Boldog Özséb atya. Kinek szellemiségét az elmúlt 700 esztendőben folyamatosan erősödni látjuk, hiszen mindannyian tudjuk, Özséb atya szellemi hagyatéka nyomán jön létre a 20 millió magyar összetartozásának érzése, akik e nagyvilágban élve imákkal erősítik Őt.
