2009. március 18., szerda

2.051 - Hatred campaign against Hungarians! "Gipsy representatives only go out to Gipsy settlements in every 4th year before the elections.

Von: János Czapp

Gesendet: szerda, 2009. március 18. 14:53
An: Kutasi József

Üzenet a külföldi médiának: Gyűlölethadjárat a magyarok ellen

2009. március 17. 18:42

"Gipsy representatives only go out to Gipsy settlements in every 4th year before the elections. They buy the votes with tainted cans. But now they won’t go there as it can easily happen that they get beaten up. I go to Gipsy settlements every day, where people are starving. We have to talk to people in order so that there won’t be any deliquency. Most people tell about me that I’m not legitim, however I was elected by 1200 people to be the leader. I was there at the Szikszó demonstration, they called me to help, they almost went against the guardians. When the "Gipsy leaders" arrived, their local representative didn’t want to take on that he was the one who called me.

If 20 robberies out of 20 is committed by Gipsies then what is it if not Gipsy deliquency? Arabic? People! We raised these deliquent children! They were brought up without knowing God or people. The Gipsy children kick, bite, beat! Hungarian families write to the Gipsy leader to come as Gipsies have stolen away their tube, their fence, or their roof. I go there with my people and talk to these people. I go to the Gipsy settlements where people are starving and all they know is that 1000 equals 2000 and 5000 equals 20 000 – referring to usury maffia. We have to go out, we have to make order, only Gipsies can affect Gipsies."

There was a new spread in the last few days from external press that Gipsy intuitiveness is getting stronger in Hungary, which is realised in hatred wars against these etnics. Us, Hungarians would like to ask the illustrious representatives of the external press to come to Hungary, move to one of the settlemens on the Eastern part of the country for a few weeks, get to know the real conditions and after that publish the real facts of which the Western press is so loud!

Hungary is in trouble! Not only economically, but socially as well. There is a hatred campaigne of which the victims are the honest, Hungarian citizens, who are victims of the under socialised Gipsy population’s terror intervention who cover their livings from deliquency on the cost of the majority society. Obviously there cannot be a generalization made, however there is such a deliquent phenomena in the Gipsy population which disables whole settlements meaning a threat to the fair Gipsy and Hungarian families. Residents are scared because they know that they won’t be defended by neither the police nor their government. Their cry for help is vain after every single crime the political elite and the press is accusing them of racism, however it isn’t the difference of the skin colour that causes these, but the lack of basic cultural norms and the deliquency instinct resulting from this.

The crimes committed by people of Gipsy origin grew into a great extent in the last few years, of which can have occassionally primitive racist reasons.
Gipsies call their victims "asshole Hungarians".

"Law protectors", such as Viktória Mohácsi use their influence to raise the conflict more and to make the victims appear as guilty. They threathen us with civil war, while the suburban settlements became a place of real war where Gipsies referring to bad living circumstances committ their crimes against life. They show up by the dozen with scythes, swords, even using weapons.

The government and the political parties won’t, for more incapable of laying the foundations of a new social agreement. They see payed elector basis in the Gipsy community who can be bought by a few thosands of forints in time of elections, this way it’s not their interest to do anything about the living circumstances of this etnic or to stop deliquency.

The only political force which urges a solution to break this deliquency flow and to strengthen the rules of living together is the Jobbik for Hungary Movement, which is defined wrongly as a Nazi and Fascist party to make it impossible for this party to get stronger every day outside the Parliament to exist, and refuse it due to power interests and smearing the movement.

And at last here is the most severe problem, Gipsy deliquency, which – as told by hundreds of times – refers not to all of the Gipsy community, it’s not a collective judgement, but a criminologic definition. Its meaning is that there are such specific crime characteristics of the Gipsy etnic which can be dealt only specifically. This is Gipsy deliquency. Who dares to deny its existence? And who is the one who dares to tell that Gipsy deliquency is not sprawling? Who is the one who says there are no such things as wood or non-ferrous metal robbery, usury, stabbing or street robberies? Also that statistics don’t show the growth? Because they don’t want to. Or of the statistics really don’t show any growth, it’s even worse, because this means that it was the same earlier only nobody talked about it.

The present parliemantial parties won’t solve the Gipsy question, or Gipsy deliquency neither the political nor the economic deliquency. For them all this is Mathematics. Their public opinion analyser groups measured recently that there are more Hungarians scared of Gipsies than the Gipsies who can be bought for a plate of Goulasch. They seem tor represent people now, but only seemingly. For one reason they are only talking and they don’t have any credits. They don’t have the power, not even the determination to stand against this. The question is important to them only because of the upcoming elections. If the elections are over, if they earned all the votes, then after that the unfortunate tax payer can remain in fear for the next 4 years again.

A few stages of Gipsy deliquency:

March 2007: a young Gipsy man gets really drunk at Polgár after getting his social aid and left home loudly. He shouted at a cyclist at one of the crossroads, but that person didn’t stop. The Gipsy man ran after him person, pulled him down from the bicycle and kicked him in the head more times. The man died in his injuries.

Easter Monday 2007: Piroska Lajos 99 –year old was beaten to death and robbed by a 19-year-old Gipsy young man at Baks.

18th November, 2007: A 21-year-old young Gipsy raped and robbed an 88-year-old woman at Gadna. After this the murderer stabbed his victim, pulled her eyes out, cut her head into two with an axe and cut her legs off.

22nd February, 2008: A Gipsy youngster robbed a sick old man at Mátraszőlős then burned the sheets to the helpless man.

10th March, 2008: A doctor was beaten up brutally by a Gipsy family at Gyöngyös as she didn’t want to lay one of the woman members of the family to the hospital, instead of that she sent her to out-patient service.

11th April, 2008: A 47-year-old employee of the municipality at Jászladány was stabbed in the neck with a broken glass by a Gipsy man as he thought his personality is not being considered by the local authority.

6th May, 2008: A Gipsy woman was choking her childrens’ teacher as she was trying to discipline them.

23rd November, 2008: 6 Gipsies attacked a 14-year-old girl on the way home, they raped her, then killed her and they threw her naked body by the side of the road.

8th February, 2009: Marian Cozma, Romanian player of the MKB Veszprém handball team was stabbed in the heart on Sunday morning in front of a club at Veszprém. Cozma died in his injury in the hospital. The two other legionaries of the team, the Croatian Ivan Pesic and Serbian Zsarko Sesum were seriously injured. The perpetrators came with a 30-people company to the place where they insulted the players without any reasons. There are 3 people convicted with the murderer out of the 30, two have already been arrested, the third is still in escape…

We would like to ask everyone who can afford it to send this message to their friends living in other countries! Let’s forward this message to many places! Let the world know the truth!

