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2012. november 26., hétfő

16.041 - Lipták Béla levele > Dr. Hende Csaba Honvédelmi miniszter Úrnak!

Date: 2012/11/26
Subject: (Hungarian-Lobby,147) A MAGYAR LOBBI AKCIÓ FELHÍVÁSA (2012, November 27)
To: Kutasi József Antal

(2012, November 27)

KORÁBBI AKCIÓINKAT ITT ISMERHET MEG: http://groups.google.com/group/hungarian-lobby
Akció Egy Maléter Emlékműért

Tisztelettel kérem az HL résztvevői közül azokat akik egyetértenek alábbi levelem tartalmával, hogy saját szavaikkal szintén írjanak a miniszter úrnak.

Dr. Hende Csaba Honvédelmi miniszter

Postai cím: 1055 Budapest, Balaton u. 7-11.
Telefonszám: 06-1-474-1155
Fax: 06-1-474-1285

Tisztelt Miniszter Úr, Kedves Csaba,

Tudomásom szerint Maléter Pálnak nincs emlékműve Magyarországon, áldozatának emlékét nem őrzi egyetlen utca, tér vagy katonai laktanya neve sem.

A tábornoknak, aki életét adta a hazáért, kijárna ugyanaz a tiszteletadás, amivel a mult évszázadok magyar társadalmai az "Aradi 13" történelmi áldozataira emlékeztek. Ezzel a főhajtással a magyar társadalom még tartozásban van úgy önmagának, mint a miéinket követő generációknak is.

Kérni szeretném, hogy kezdeményezzed ennek a hiányosságnak a pótlását és továbbítsad javaslatodat Áder János Köztársasági elnök, illetve Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnök uraknak, hogy az ő jóváhagyásuk után elnyerje a Képviselőház egyhangú támogatást és mielöbb megvalósuljon.

Őszinte nagyrabecsüléssel, 

Lipták Béla
Aki nem ismerné a BBC 1996-ban kiadott filmjét, melyről a levél szól, itt megnézheti 
56-os Film 

Az alábbi levélváltást azért mellékelem, mert egyrészt mutatja, hogy kelnek már a nyugaton született gyermekeink lelkében elvetett magok, másrészt azért, mert nekem nincs időm eleget tenni a kérésnek, de ha az HL résztvevői között lenne olyan akinek van, úgy azért hálás lenne a film rendezője. Aki nem ismerné a BBC 1996-ban kiadott filmjét, melyről a levél szól, itt megnézheti

In a message dated 2012.11.21. 16:41:00 Eastern Standard Time, rpekar@hotmail.co.uk writes:

Hi Bela,

I'd like to tell you a brief explanation of your input into my life. 
My dad was Hungarian and escaped to the UK in 1956 - similar to you except you went to the USA. Anyway, in 1986 I was only a very young half Hungarian man living in freedom in the UK because of my dads' heroic escape. One evening in 1986 he was watching Cry Hungary and he was trying to encourage me to watch this documentary - at the time I was a young teenager and my interest was quite limited. 

One year later, unfortunately my dad died at only 48 years old. 
Later on I discovered that my dad had video taped Cry Hungary. I spent many years watching and studying it - even as far as going even further to study the history of Hungary and deeper, I studied world war two to give me a better understanding of 1956. Once completed, I then set about remembering and scribing all the stories my dad had told me over the years about his life in Hungary and his part in the revolution. In total, it took me 10 years to study and write a book based on his true story. My book is called "The Last Train to Budapest" and it has been too difficult to get it professionally published but, it is on a self publishing website called www.lulu.com

Since the completion of my book which at first I only wrote it for my children until friends and colleagues read it and approved it as even better than the world class authors; well since the completion, I decided to follow my next dream. I then wrote a synopsis of my book followed by a film script for the synopsis. Fortunately, I met some young teenagers from a local university who were studying film making. After many meetings with an ambitious young film director, he presented me with a his costing exercise to execute a film project for the synopsis of my "The Last Train to Budapest."
A 37 minute film would cost me £1000 per minute. My next challenge. I drew in members of The Hungarian Community Association of Staffordshire to which I am the chairman of and we discussed how we could finance the production of this film. To cut a long story short, I was supported by the then acting ambassador of Hungary Klara Breuer , Dr. Andras Zsigmond from the Hungarian consulate in Liverpool, the mayor of Poynton Gabor Bartos, the sheriff of Staffordshire Ian Dudson and even a local actress Rachel Shenton. In addition we were funded by the National Lottery along with support from many from our local association.

My film has been successfully screened in the UK (Stoke-on Trent & Manchester) - it has been screened in my dads home town/village in Hungary (Mogyoroska & Encs). And next we have been requested to screen it in Budapest next year on Saturday Evening on May 25th at the Toldi Cinema. 

Of course this is mostly a self motivated effort and a self funded success without an influential investor to publish the book or produce the film. 
Please be sure that my epic is based on a true story and is not a documentary like the film "Torn from the Flag". This is a feature film and once the whole book is scripted and filmed, will be a cross between "Rambo, Braveheart & Schindlers List" combined. 

As I have the most admiration to you and your struggle within the revolution and for sure I know your story so well because of my dads video recording back in 1986 - I respectfully request for you to pay some attention to my efforts to record the events of 1956 and to ensure that my dads ancestors and every sufferer from these times are reminded of the great spirit of Hungarian people forever. 

I do not want to give you any links because I know how off-putting they are in an email and make people cautious to click on them. But to say, if you don't mind taking the time to search for my book on www.LuLu.com or searching Facebook for "The Hungarian Community Association of Staffordshire" or searching google for my name "Richard Pekar" or even searching for "The Last Train to Budapest" on google or YouTube. Whatever, I would be honoured for some kind of response, advice, comment or support as I believe I have known you since 1986. 

With Very Kind Regards,
Your Fellow Hungarian ancestor,
Mr. Richard Pekar
From: Liptakbela@aol.com
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 07:55:15 -0500
Subject: Re: The Last Train to Budapest
To: rpekar@hotmail.co.uk
Dear Richard,

Thanks a lot for your kind letter.

I have seen only a brief clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY01Rog3dLA of your film,  "The Last Train to Budapest" and based on that I find your work to be very valuable. It is good to see that while Hungary lost 3% of her population in 56 (the best educated and most patriotic young people), today we begin to see that this was not a complete loss, that such dividends as your film are just beginning to materialize and prove that the seeds we have planted have fallen in fertile soil, that the love of our homeland and the memory of a heroic history of a brave and proud nation has been passed on to the next generation.   

Best personal reagards, Béla Lipták

From: rpekar@hotmail.co.uk
To: liptakbela@aol.com
Sent: 2012.11.24. 17:37:24 Eastern Standard Time
Subj: RE: The Last Train to Budapest

Dear Bela,

Thank you so much for your swift response. You cannot comprehend the emotion I felt once I saw a response in my inbox from "Bela Liptak." Almost like I'd received an answer from Brad Pritt or some Hollywood movie star or something because for me you are a legend, a Hungarian legend. 

Please feel free to check this https://vimeo.com/54097342
or of course copy and paste it into the internet search box... It's our next mission/drive to take our story further. 

As you will see, and as you will see advertised over the next coming months; we have been invited to show our film in the Toldi Cinema in Budapest next year.
We have been reserved a screening on Saturday May 25th - please don't tell me you could be our VIP guest there? Because if possible, this would be a moment of historical satisfactory closure for me. To actually meet a man that has inspired my whole life just by a documentary interview you performed in 1986. 

Anyway - I have to say Bela - you are totally invited. And if you can attend, the red carpet with gold trimmings is totally rolled out for you. 
Following the premier of my film, I met the then deputy prime minister of Hungary Pal Schidtt - to meet you would be bigger than that for me. So, if you can be in Hungary on May 25th 2013 - please visit the Toldi Cinema. 

I would like to point out that my book is written like a feature film and not like a documentary. So, the events/tribulations that my dad experienced, has been put into dramatic/actual situation mode instead of the documentary explaining/answering questions situation. For example, we all now about the holocaust but how was it really experienced? - maybe Schindlers List explains that? Well, I intended to do the same thing with my book "The Last Train to Budapest." If you buy it off www.lulu.com and you read it - I would probably quiver at the thought you'd done that; but, following that, your comments would be devoured forever. 

For instance, my dad was capable of achieving anything if it had to do with his creativity or his hands. My book highlights this and the reasons why. Later on in the book there are sharp contrasts to his qualities taught to him by his father to how he fights against the Russians. So, I needed this putting in feature film format having realised that most of Hungarian history communication is within documentary dialogue instead of moving picture reality that most people relate to. Another words, I believe, I have narrated my book as good as Spielberg made "Saving Private Ryan." So Bela - I could say anything in an email - in that case, how are fixed to read my book? Do you have the time? Are you interested? How much is a 2nd generation actually engaged in your thoughts and your feelings?  Do we really know? What is in our heart and soles? Forget the cost of the book to buy off www.lulu.com - if you are willing to read my book, I will be happy to post it to you if you promise to read it. If you are Bela, please send me an address that I can post it to you and it will be in the post thereafter. Otherwise, www.lul.om can do it it so much quicker. 

So finally, I would like to thank you immensely for looking at the links I've sent to you and making your comments thereafter. 

Looking forward to any correspondence you choose to have with me; 
With Very Kind Regards,
Rich Sandor Pekar