From: Daniel Kutasi
Date: 2014-11-29 3:25 GMT+01:00
Subject: NAGYON nyerünk: a világ megmentése fajta dolgok - Fwd: From Climate to Monsanto - we're winning BIG!!
To: <>,
Subject: NAGYON nyerünk: a világ megmentése fajta dolgok - Fwd: From Climate to Monsanto - we're winning BIG!!
To: <>,
Kedves Avaaz felhasználók,
az elmúlt időkben, nem csak nyerünk, hanem NAGYON nyerünk.
az elmúlt időkben, nem csak nyerünk, hanem NAGYON nyerünk.
Ezek nem kis idei győzelmek, hanem a legnagyobb dolgok, a világ megmentése fajta dolgok - klíma változás, Monsanto, tengereink, az internet, demokrácia, és több! Sok van, ami a mai világban depressziós, de tanulj meg angolul, menj lejjebb ezen az oldalon és nézd, a jövőnk hogy nézhet ki, ha egy kötelén húzunk... Dear Avaazers, Lately, we're not just winning, we're winning BIG. These are not small time victories, but the biggest stuff, the save the world stuff - on climate change, Monsanto, our oceans, the internet, democracy, and more! There's a lot that's depressing in the world today, but scroll down and see what our future could look like if we just stick together...
I just came from a meeting of the Avaaz team, and some of us cried (ahem, maybe including me) at what a pure joy it is to serve our mission and this community, and just how much potential, together, we have to make a difference in the world. The climate march and the Ebola volunteers campaign, as well as everyone donating, are examples of how Avaazers are stepping up to an even greater level of commitment to this vessel we share. And with each step we take, our power grows. There's a lot of fear and greed and ignorance in our world, but we are steadily bringing love and hope and smart, effective strategies to make a difference. And in every way, we're just at the tip of the iceberg of what's possible. Let's keep building this vessel, and investing our time and hope more deeply in it, because something like this is precious, and the world needs us more than ever. With love and huge appreciation for this movement, Ricken, with Nell, Pascal, Marie, Laila, Andrea and the whole Avaaz team. |