Von: "Halász József dr." [mailto:hjozsef@pannoniatv.hu]
Gesendet: szerda, 2008. július 16. 22:24
An: Kutasi József
Betreff: Szucsán Károly, a Trianon Comite elnökének levele Toroczkai Laci Kanadai kitoloncolásáról, a kanadai hatósághoz és Göncz Kingához.
Göncz Kinga Miniszter
Magyar Külügyminisztérium
43 Bem rakpart, Budapest
Tisztelt Göncz Kinga Miniszter Asszony!
Itt mellékelem a Kanadai bevándorló miniszternek írt levelemet a Toroczkai László Kanadába érkezésének botrányos és a kanadai demokratikus jogok ellenére való visszautasításával kapcsolatosan. Amint kitudódott, hogy az Önök közbenjárása és a hamis információk közlése okozta a Kanadai minisztérium félrevezetését, hogy hazug állítással kényszerítsék Toroczkai visszautazását.
Önök célja ebben az volt, hogy legaljasabb rágalmazásokkal megakadályozzák Toroczkai előadásait a Kanadai magyarok előtt, mert Öt, mint magyar politikai aktivistát a magyar nép egy nagy része nagy tisztelettel és reménnyel figyeli tevékenységét a nemzeti közérdekek védelmébe ami okozza a Maguknak félelmét. A történtek szerint mind két részről a jogállamiság megtiprása történt, amit természetesen a Kanadai magyarok nem hagynak jogi helyreigazítás nélkül. Azonban Magyarországon a helyreigazítást lehetetlen megtenni. Megítélésem szerint a Külügyminisztériumnak, mint az emberi és a demokratikus jogok egyik kötelezett védelmező állami szervének, kötelessége saját állampolgárát megvédeni, aki veszélyeztetett külföldön.
Hihetetlen, hogy egy ország ártatlan állampolgárát idegen országokban hamis vádakkal veszélyeztetik, mert O politikai ellenfél és nem bűnöző, mint ahogy Maguk azt terjesztették a kanadaiaknak. Hogy ez mennyire szégyenletes, azt az Önök lelkiismeretére bízom, mert nem hinném, hogy a szocialista ideológiától teljesen elfordultak volna és ebben a globalista liberalizmus vadságában látják a magyar társadalom felemelkedését. Ha pedig mégis így lenne, akkor meg pláne szükség van sok ilyen Toroczkai aktivistásra, akik felvilágosítják a népet a képmutató vezetőikről.
Szomorú tapasztalni, hogy a magyar politikai vezetőség és elit képtelen haladó társadalmi programot nyújtani a nemzetnek és ilyen reakciós cselekedetekkel védelmezi uralmát, mint a Toroczkai ellen való sunyi eljárásokkal. Ez, az Önök uralmának végét igazolja, ha bár a másik lesben álló Fidesz gárda sem lesz jobb, mert az, Önökkel párhuzamosan a nemzeti vagyonok kiárusítását fogja folytatni, mert az is elvan kötelezve a nemzetközi vad liberális globalizációnak a munkás nép kárára.
Tisztelt Miniszter Asszony! A Toroczkaival való elbánásuk háborított fel, mert emberi jogok megtiprását nem lehet cselekedet nélkül elhallgatni, és ha nincs is illúzióm Önök visszakozása iránt ebben az ügyben, szükségesnek vélem felháborodásomról tájékoztatni.
Tisztelettel üdvözli,
Charles Sucsan
Société Canadienne Magyar Inc. 52 Woodbridge Crescent
Canadian Magyar Society Inc. Kanata ON K2M 2N8
Kanadai Magyar Társaság Inc. (613) 599-7936
June 4, 2008
Memorandum: Consequences of the Trianon Treaty, June 20, 1920 on the Hungarian People of today.
The members of the Canadian Magyar Society Inc. Hungarians living throughout the world have studied the text from the Trianon Treaty given today’s current situation of Hungarians living in the successor States and concluded the following:
For a thousand of years the Hungarian Kingdom had not been dismembered by foreign forces, only temporarily occupied. During the editing of the text of the Treaty the Hungarian delegation at the Peace Conference in Paris, were confined to their hotel and were not allowed to participate, neither contact the public nor Medias. When the text was handled over to the delegation, their verbal disagreements and propositions were rejected without discussing the text. The Hungarian delegation received the text the following day and they only had 24 hours to examine and study it. Their last minute suggestions were not taken into consideration from the four powers and the original text was returned for immediate acceptance. The chief delegate Count Apponyi considered the text a Dictate and signing it would have been a betrayal of Hungary by any Hungarian.
On the spot Count Apponyi resigned from his government position. Meanwhile in Hungary, the secret foreign pressure and conspiracy on the newly designated government pressing the signature of the Diktat, a newly designated delegation accepted to sign it, without the consent of a legal democratic parliamentary decision.
The text indicated that the Hungarian Kingdom’s territory was already divided and occupied by the successor’s states. This was illegal and in total contradiction according to the conditions of the armistice. However the conspiracy of dismembering the Hungarian Kingdom started well before the First World War with the French Clemenceau and tsarist Russia, instigating the movement and provoked the war. This is why after the armistice the Romanians occupied Budapest for a period of time which led to the demise of the national treasury and economic wealth of Hungary. During this time, Hungarians were killed at random by the Romanians. This behavior was unacceptable according to the ambassador to the United States of America. The Romanians were chased out of Hungary by the four powers due to the recommendations of the United States of America ambassador.
The democratic political conditions were not in place after the bloodshed of the dictatorship regime under Bolshevik Bela Khun with the help of Lenin’s Bolshevik Russia. Therefore a democratic consent by the Hungarian people could not be established to modify, accept or reject the dictate.
Circumstantial evidence exists that in order for Miklos Horthy, an ex-admiral of the Hungarian Kingdom to achieve power over Hungary, received help by the French General Vix. They formed an urgent national committee at Szeged, whereby Miklos Horthy became the proclaimed governor of Hungary. This was part of the condition of signing the Dictate without any debate.
One year later the designated members of parliament ratified the Dictate without any debate. They stated „We are accepting it, the knife on the throat”. Two thirds of the Hungarian Kingdom territory was divided into several parts. Even Austria received territory, which proves that the Machiavelic conspiracy by the four powers of that time were against the Hungarian nation and its people, irregardless of the injustice done on the grounds of immense lies on the Hungarians.
In our opinion and the opinion of many Hungarians today:
1. The elaborate treaty contradicts human rights and international law which does not recognize the national collective guilt. The Hungarians were punished by thieves, splitting Hungary amongst themselves. At the same time the responsible leaders of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire were not punished, while the late Hungarian prime minister of the Hungarian Kingdom opposed the declaration of war on Serbia, for which he was shrewdly assassinated. Therefore it is obvious that:
2. Democratic plebiscite rights of the people’s self determination were denied to the Hungarian nationals and other ethnic communities to choose the state in which they wanted to belong. They were stripped of their Hungarian nationality since their ancestors territories were occupied by force and the armistice conditions were not respected.
3. Under the newly founded states, the successor states never implemented their engagement with the Dictate. As well as the Society of Nations, founded after the war for preserving the peace and rights of Hungarians.
4. Hungarians living in these states were chased from their homes taking with them only the belongings that they could carry with them. At the mercy of barbaric behavior and hate, innocent Hungarian citizens were collectively punished. No compensation was ever considered for these illegal deeds and breach of human rights.
5. In light of these events it is clear that the behavior and objective of the four powers during this time due to their ancestral hate of the Magyars Hungarians was to physically eradicate the -Magyars- Hungarians, what thousands of year aggressions failed to do. Over the course of time unfortunately, the German Nazi regime forced Hungary into the Second World War. The Hungarians suffered deportations, systematic bombings throughout the country, damage and brutal occupation by the soviets, thousands of young women were abused and thousands of innocent people lives were lost which unfortunately is irrelevant to historians.
6. At the 1941 Vienna Conference, part of the Hungarian population and territory was returned to Hungary during the Second World War but were reclaimed at the 1947 Peace Treaty. This treaty was signed by a doubtful and illegitimate Hungarian government, since it fell under the Soviet occupation of a communist dictatorship. The „democracy” that was installed in Hungary at this time, satisfied the democratic countries, but a blind eye was turned on the pogrom on Hungarian intellectuals that carried on under the pretext of a war crime. Approximately, three hundred persons were hanged under this accusation compared to about 10 persons in Germany. Tens of thousands of Hungarians were deported to the Siberian gulags.
7. After the war hatred towards the Hungarian nationals prevailed in the successor countries, especially under Romania’s Antonescu’s barbaric war crimes, which eliminated 500, 000 Hungarians and Hungarian Jews from the Transylvania. Hungarian organizations have made several requests to the United Nations to unveil the mass graves but have yet to receive an answer.
8. In Czechoslovakia the Benes Decrees of collective guilt, implemented deportation of Hungarians from the northern part of Hungary confiscated their equities and gave them to ethnic Slovaks.
9. One hundred thousand Hungarians were eliminated and killed and some purposely exploded train. Hungarians speaking their language in public places was not tolerated and schools and institutions were discriminated or closed for this. Instead, the Slovak language was imposed upon all Hungarians.
10. The Serbs barbaric brutalities finally killed 45,000 Hungarians living in the retrocede territory of Serbia after the Second World War. Their hatred towards Hungarians remains active and aggressive. Since 1918, the Serbs have occupied southern Hungary. The Serbs used fright tactics to chase hundreds of thousands of Hungarians beginning 1920.
11. Ukrainians were not indifferent to intimidation methods to eradicate, or integrate the Hungarians, and every where they are humiliated, discriminated, therefore demographically shrinking, like in all the successors countries.
12. Under the communist regime of Hungary, the government relinquished its democratic responsibility to protect Hungarian nationals living in successor countries. Under its rule, six million abortions were performed in 10 years which is systematic genocide. Needless to say that within Hungary any manifestations of national expressions were banned. On October 23, 1956, the Revolution and Freedom fight was the result. Once again betrayed by the western powers fomenting the Hungarians against communism and the Soviet Union, without their promised help it ended in crushing the most glorious and spontaneous uprising against tyrannies. Again the Hungarians paid the price through genocide, imprisonments and deportation of approximately 50,000 Hungarians to the gulags and hundreds of young freedom fighters hanged on their eighteenth birthdays.
13. Finally international geo-politics ended in the collapse of the Soviet Union and with it the freeing of its satellite countries. Democracy and freedom replaced tyrannies in Hungary, giving hope and pride for the first time in seventy years to the rebirth of the Magyar national identity. The joy was short-lived. The great powers countries liable for all their sins toward Hungary and its people for decades were frightened and rushed to ensure that a puppet government rule over the Hungarians. Therefore a permanent accusation campaign against Hungarians with qualifications of: „fascism, anti-Semitism, the danger of extreme rights, etc.,” and so on, emerged to curb any legitimate claim of national rights and national pride recovery”. It became clear that the western powers interest rested in protecting the responsible of the guilty dictatorial regime and any national awakening of the Hungarians would put them in danger of facing justice.
14. The union of Hungary to the European Union raised hope amongst the Hungarians that the trauma of Trianon could be healed but as with the Dictate of Trianon the same scenario occurred and the people were prevented to know the conditions of the addition.
15. The first condition of the union was: „Hungary should declare that she has no territorial claim with its neighbors”. The other conditions which reduced the sovereignty of Hungary to colonial conditions were hidden and ignored by the citizens and even the members of Parliament. The same scenario applied to the acceptance of the new text of the European Constitution by the Hungarian Parliament. Not one member had access to the text before the vote.
16. Over the last 88years if you added all the corner stone decisions implied towards national destiny, it is clear that these decisions were made without the consent of the Hungarian citizens by external conspirators. Not one referendum was held regarding the treaties, therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the Hungarian people of today could apply their right of self determination and declare that all Treaties are illegal, obsolete and they want the renegotiation of the treaties, since their national self determination was denied for them for 88 years.
Proposing Solutions to Implement Justice for Hungary
1. On the basis for the right for self determination, the international community by resolution of the United Nations should impose upon the successor states of government the right for Hungarians under their rules, may choose to be returned territorially to Hungary or not. A referendum would be for the Hungarians only in the successor states. This should have been taken place during the Peace Conference of Paris. This action would put an end to the illegal Dictate and the actual illegal foreign occupation of the Kingdom of Hungary’s territory.
2. Once a clear decision has been made, the dictate can be revised within the international community and the successor states to create a viable central Europe which will eliminate the mutual hate that has formed over the years due to successive imperialism coveting the territory of the Hungarian Kingdom. Different forms of confederation or a Central European Common market agreement would serve a mutual political and economic interest, since the planetary situation dictates to live together and search for the harmony of the nations. This harmony cannot be at the disadvantage of ethnicity or nationality group. Diversity is the key for mankind’s progress and any attempt to curb its viability will result in the self-destruction of all. Chauvinistic and world dominated imperialism to eradicate individuals or nations is absurd; therefore a consensus must be made to unite territorially the Hungarian Nation in the Carpathian Basin with new treaties.
3. We would like every state leader and their populations to study the true history that has emerged from the origins of the Hungarians-Magyars. They will find that the Hungarians- Magyars are one of the oldest and unique cultures from which all language has developed from. At first it is unbelievable but when researched objectively, it will be realized that the Magyars are one of the richest cultures to mankind that must be preserved and not destroyed. This is why the Magyars must be reunited with their Mother country. Mankind future depends on it, even if others may not foresee this for the time being.
4. This is why: Justice for Hungary would be Justice for humanity! Hungarians - Magyars of today, claim a well deserved justice from the world community! Hungarians will not rest until it is accomplished!
Tibor Veghely
Charles Sucsan
Director for International Relations
P.S: All of the above affirmations were documented
Charles Sucsan
Artiste en art visuel 575 Barthélemy Longueuil, Québec J4J 1M5 Canada
Phone 450 670 7733 Email c.sucsan@videotron.ca www.sucsan.ca