Datum: Fr, 17. Okt 2008
Von: Lévay Atilla
An: József Kutasi - Budapest
----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: Orban Viktor ; Ékes Ilona ; Balog Zoltán ; Fidesz Parlament ; Fidesz Hirlevel ; Polgári Szociális Bázis ; Dr. Gaudi Nagy Tamás ; Fábián Gábor ; Halász Bence ; M. Szabó Imre ; Morvai Krisztina ; István László Apathy ; Gõbl György ; Dukán József ; Mráz Ágoston Sámuel Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:06 AMSubject: Fw: Tony Blair in Budapest 17th. February 2006.+ Pictures taken on the 23rd. of October
----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: MTI ; MTV Internet Szerkesztõség ; bptv@bptv.hu ; TV2 Mokka ; ATV ; TV2 Tények ; Mucsi Csaba ; hirtv.hu ; Gyárfás Tamás ; Echo TV ; Duna TV ; Hír tv. Hírháttér ; Éjjeli Menedék ; Az Este ; Hírtv infó ; Spektrum TV ; RTL ; Hírvilág ; nap-kelte@naptv.hu ; Célpont ; TV2. Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:04 AMSubject: Fw: Tony Blair in Budapest 17th. February 2006.+ Pictures taken on the 23rd. of October
----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: Népszabadság ; Népszava ; 168 Óra ; Petofi Népe ; Magyar Nemzet ; Hetek ; Magyar Fórum ; Heves Megyei Hírlap ; Heti Válasz ; Fejér Megyei Hírlap ; Dunántúli Napló ; Budaörsi Napló ; Somogyi Hírlap ; Hócipõ ; Békés Megyei Hírlap ; Dunaújvárosi Hírlap ; Mozgó Világ ; Pécsi Hírek ; Kapu ; Zsaru Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:59 AMSubject: Fw: Tony Blair in Budapest 17th. February 2006.+ Pictures taken on the 23rd. of October
----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: Barroso Jose Manuel Cc: EU Observer ; EU Info iroda ; Szent-Iványi István ; SZAJER Jozsef ; Surján László ; Schöpflin György ; Schmitt Pál ; Õry Csaba ; Olajos Péter ; Lévai Katalin ; Kósáné Kovács Magda ; Járóka Lívia ; Hegyi Gyula ; Dobolyi Alexandra ; Gyürk András ; Tabajdi Csaba ; Glattfelder Béla ; Gál Kinga ; Gurmai Zita ; Dauwen Günther Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:51 AMSubject: Fw: Tony Blair in Budapest 17th. February 2006.+ Pictures taken on the 23rd. of October
Dear Mr. Barroso,Greetings from Hungary a few days befor the 23rd. of October.Atilla LevayZsambek, 2072, Dozsa Gy. u. 6. Hungary Tel.-3623342198 ----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: FT Letters Editor ; BBC E-mail Services ; Daily Mail ; Daily Mail Ephraim Hardcastle ; Guardian Weekly ; New Statesman ; Observer LOndon ; Private Eye ; Spectator UK ; Daily Express ; Daily Mirror ; Scotsman ; The Times London ; Guardian Editor ; Guardian Letters ; Guardian Unlimited ; Independent ; dtletter@telegraph.co.uk ; Daily Telegraph letters ; Economist Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:35 AMSubject: Tony Blair in Budapest 17th. February 2006.+ Pictures taken on the 23rd. of October
Dear addressees,As the 23rd. of October, the 52nd. anniversary of the Hungarian uprising is approaching, here I am sending you the letters and pictures in connection with Tony Blair's visit to Budapest in February 2006 in support of the present illegitimate power usurping Government of Hungary. For contrast, I also attached a few pictures which were taken on the 23rd of October, of the same year.Yours faithfully,Atilla LevayZsambek, 2072, Dozsa Gy. u. 6. Hungary Tel.-3623342198 ----- Original Message -----
From: Lévay Atilla
To: Daily Express ; Daily Mail ; Daily Mirror ; Daily Telegraph letters ; Daily Telegraph Your Voice ; Economist ; Guardian Editor ; Guardian Letters ; Guardian Weekly ; Independent ; Independent F.E. ; New Stateman D.E. ; New Statesman ; Observer ; Times Letters
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 1:58 PM
Subject: Since April 2006 Hungary has had no Legitimate Government.
With Compliments from long suffering Hungary.
Atilla Levay
----- Original Message -----
From: Lévay Atilla
To: Barroso Jose Manuel
Cc: EU Info iroda ; Szent-Iványi István ; SZAJER Jozsef ; Surján László ; Schöpflin György ; Schmitt Pál ; Õry Csaba ; Olajos Péter ; Lévai Katalin ; Kósáné Kovács Magda ; Járóka Lívia ; Hegyi Gyula ; Dobolyi Alexandra ; Gyürk András ; Tabajdi Csaba ; Glattfelder Béla ; Gál Kinga
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 1:08 PM
Subject: Fw: A megtévesztéssel kötött szerzõdés semmis! Magyarországnak jelenleg nincs törvényes kormánya.
Dear Mr. Barroso,
I hope you have been following the events which took place in Hungary, mostly in Budapest since last September and October.
In connection with these events I am sending you the translation of the letter which I wrote to the President of Hungary Mr. Laszlo Solyom yesterday.
Yours sincerely,
Atilla Levay
Zsambek, 2072, Dozsa Gy. u. 6. Hungary Tel.-3623342198
Since April 2006 Hungary has had no Legitimate Government.
Dear Mr. President,
In every Civilised Country where we can talk about the "Rule of Law", any contract made between two parties, where one party deliberately misleads the other, is "Null and Void".
In view of the fact that Ferenc Gyurcsany and the other leaders of the MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) admitted that they deliberately misled the Electorate, the result of the April 2006 Election is "Null and Void".
The exercise of Power based on a "Null and Void" Contract is illegitimate.
If Parliament supports this illegitimate Government, the Parliament itself is illegitimate. The Police, if it carries out the orders of an illegitimate, power usurping Criminal Organisation, is also illegitimate: they sink to the level of being accomplices to criminals and cease to be the Legitimate Police Force of Hungary.
Since April 2006 Hungary has had no Legitimate Government.
As you have a Law Degree, you should be aware of this fact, and act upon it.
Levay Atilla
Zsambek, 2072, Dózsa György u. 6. Tel.-23-342198
----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: The Times London ; Telegraph your voice ; Telegraph letters ; Spectator UK ; Private Eye ; Observer LOndon ; New Statesman Christina Odone ; New Statesman ; Independent ; Guardian Weekly ; Guardian ; Guardian Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:16 PMSubject: Tony Blair in Budapest
Ladies and Gentlemen,I apologise for not writing to every one of you separately, and hope that this will not prevent you from using the material in this letter.In connection with the recent visit of Mr. Tony Blair in Budapest, perhaps you will be interested to know the reason why he came and what took place here. As you probably know the next General Elections in Hungary are due to take place in April. The sole purpose of Mr. Blair's short visit was to give blank cheque support to the Hungarian Socialist Party and specifically to Mr. Ferenc Gyurcsany himself. They appeared together at the main gathering of the Party before the election and Mr. Blair even managed to utter a few words in Hungarian to make sure that nobody present would miss his message. Underneath is the e-mail I sent to Mr. Gyurcsany about this visit, which I also forwarded to several Hungarian newspapers and to Mr. Christopher Condon, who is the resident correspondent of the Financial Times in Budapest. At the end and in the attachment there is the letter I sent to Mr.Blair on the 22nd.of January. Yours faithfully,Atilla Levay Zsambek, 2072, Dozsa Gy.u.6. Hungary Tel.-3623342198 ----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: Condon Chris Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:57 AMSubject: Fw:
With compliments.Atilla Lévay ----- Original Message ----- From: Lévay Atilla To: Gyúrcsány Ferenc Cc: Szabad Föld ; Pécsi Hírek ; Népszava online ; Népszabadság ; MTV - Híradó hírportál ; Magyar Nemzet ; Magyar Hirlap ; HUNSOR Hirfutar ; Hócipõ ; hirtv.net ; Hirhalo Admin ; Heti Válasz ; Fidesz Hirlevel ; EU info iroda ; Dunántúli Napló ; Demokrata ; DÉLMAGYARORSZÁG ; Budaörsi Napló ; 168 Óra Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:19 AM
******************************************************************************************************* Igen tisztelt Gyurcsány Ferenc!
Január 22.-én az alábbi levelet küldtem Tony Blair Brit kormányfõnek. Ez a levél van a csatolmányban is. Február elején kaptam egy választ a 10 Downing Street titkárságától, amelyet egy Mr. M. Davies írt alá. Tony Blair Budapesti jelenléte és tegnapi beszéde a milliárdos szocialisták által vezetett rendezvényen cinikus megcsúfolása az egész magyar népnek, beleértve azokat is akik ezen a rendezvényen ott voltak.
Ez egy fordított formában talán kissé hasonlít ahhoz, ahogy negyvenes évek végén és az ötvenes évek elején Rákosi Mátyás Sztálin "legjobb magyar tanítványa" abban a megtiszteltetésben részesült, hogy mindenki szemeláttára ott toporoghatott a "Gazda" közelében a díszpáholyban a Vörös téri gigantikus rendezvényeken és nem a többi talpnyaló kommunista vezetõ közé lett valami jelentéktelen helyen eldugva.
Ezek után gratulálhatunk sikerélményének, ami nagyjából olyan értékû mint akkoriban Rákosié volt a Vörös téren.
Valamikor IV. Henrik francia királynak "Párizs megért egy misét", lehet, hogy ma Tony Blair mondhat valami hasonlót a Budapest Airport megszerzésével kapcsolatban.
Lévay Atilla
Zsámbék, 2072, Dózsa György u.6. Tel.-23-342198
Here is the gist of the above e-mail:
On the 22nd of January I sent the letter below to Tony Blair. This letter is in the attachment as well. At the beginning of February I received an answer from 10 Downing Street signed by a Mr. M. Davies. The presence and speech of Tony Blair yesterday at the gathering organised by the millionaire socialists is a cynical insult of the Hungarian people, including those who were present there.
In a reversed way it is similar to the manner in which in the late forties and early fifties Matyas Rakosi "Stalin's best Hungarian student" was invited to the special box reserved for the top leaders of the Soviet World at the gigantic Red Square celebrations for everyone to see what a close friend he was of Stalin. Perhaps we should congratulate you for this achievement which is about the same value as that of Rakosi on Red Square. A long time ago it was worth for Henry IV of France to attend a Mass to gain Paris. It is possible that Tony Blair could say something similar today for gaining Budapest Airport for the Brits.
A.C.L. Blair Esq.,
Prime Minister,
10 Downing St.,
London SW1A 2AA
You may recall that I have written to you about the previous Hungarian Prime Minister Mr. Péter Medgyessy back in 2002, when he was invited to 10 Downing Street, but to be on the safe side I am now enclosing copies of some of those letters again. They are just as applicable today, as they were then, only the names have to be changed.
In connection with your recent visit to Hungary which included spending an evening at the house of Mr. Gyurcsány, (I deliberately didn't use the word home) for English people, a house with a very unusual history regarding its past and present ownership. Perhaps you should have asked him, how much did Mr. Antal Apró his present wife's grandfather pay for this house. Did the price include the furniture, Persian Carpets, Pictures etc and what really happened to the previous owners and the thousands of other people whose properties were misappropriated in a similar manner at the same time by the then masters of Hungary, in many cases the fathers and grandfathers of the present ruling Nomenklatura.
It is as if 16 years after the end of World War II, the likes of Himmler, Streicher, Geobbels, Göring, etc would still be running the new "free" Germany.
Furthermore I hope, you will agree that only a few months before the next Hungarian General Elections a huge photo of the British Prime Minister appearing with Mr. Gyurcsány in the Financial Times is likely to be interpreted by the public as British support for the incumbent Hungarian Government. In the circumstances it would be interesting to know as to why the British Government insists on supporting a bunch of common criminals, led by a man with a very shady and perhaps by the time you receive this letter a very shaky past as well. Presumably it will be a job for latter day historians to work out.
During the last hundred years there were four occasions when the attitude and actions of the British Governments of the day had a profound influence on Hungarian History. At the end of this letter I will include a few short passages from a book I am working on to highlight this.
Yours faithfully,
Atilla Lévay
Zsámbék, 2006 January 22.
"The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was broken up, ostensibly to allow its various nationalities to free themselves from oppression but none of the newly created or enlarged states were nation states. In reality every single one of them was as ethnically mixed as the Monarchy before and in fact the treatment of the minorities by the new states in most cases was much worse. The solemn assurances about the rights of the ethnic minorities promised by the new states were in almost all cases cynically and brazenly disregarded and ignored even before the ink dried on the "Scrap of Paper" they all signed. Yes, the "Vae Victis" mentality was the rule of the day. The leader of the Hungarian delegation Count Albert Apponyi pleaded almost on his knees in the end to make the new borders not less unjust, only less brutally stupid. His plea to the peacemakers in 1920 that existing communities should not be broken up but should belong to the same country and compensating adjustments made elsewhere on a quid pro quo basis was to no avail."
"To a large extent the way, these borders were drawn, was due to the blank cheque support of the spurious and unreasonable territorial claims of the Rumanians and the Czechs by the French Government and in a different way the hostility felt and expressed towards the Hungarians by the Scottish historian Robert William Seton Watson (Scotus Viator) who acted as a sort of "Eminence Grise" in the background and whose clouded one sided, arrogant professorial stance regarding the treatment of the ethnic minorities by the Hungarians was unfortunately taken as gospel by the decision makers after World War I. Had he sympathized and taken the side of the, for example Irish nationalists in a similar way at the time, (especially after the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916) he would probably have been made short shrift of by the then British Government, possibly even condemned as a traitor and reviled, and his opinions and suggestions would not have been taken seriously at all. Seton Watson probably was pragmatic, cynical and shrewd enough to realise that and obviously he knew which side his bread was buttered on."
"Although the Peace Treaties after World War I included guarantees to the ethnic minorities about their right to use their languages not only among themselves, but in official dealings as well, have their own churches, educational institutions, etc. and allowed for possible border revisions later, Scotus Viator refused to reconsider his position by admitting that he may have been wrong and didn't support the efforts to supervise and enforce the clauses protecting the rights of minorities and later for possible changes to take place. Twenty years later in totally different circumstances with Hitler and Mussolini being the two midwifes (whose help was requested by the Rumanian Government at the time) certain parts of northern Transylvania were returned to Hungary by a treaty made in Vienna and countersigned by the two dictators. Although the borders drawn up then between Hungary and Rumania were more realistic and just regarding the ethnic populations on the ground, needless to say these were immediately overturned after World War II. The idea that the two hated dictators could have done something right was totally unimaginable and unacceptable to the victorious, power-drunk Allies."
"Whether it was an unfortunate coincidence only, or just "pragmatic", cynical, and opportunist; which is much more likely to be the case, the Anglo-French-Israeli attack against Egypt, sealed the fate of the Hungarian uprising in 1956."
"And this bunch of through and through corrupt, spineless, murderous criminals, yesterday's "Nomenklatura" masquerading as today's "Neophyte Democrats", pretending to have reformed and changed their ways, still rule Hungary culturally, economically, financially and politically but now with at first cynical connivance and later open support of the veteran western democracies like the United States, (once upon a time) Great Britain and France to mention just a few. In 1990 these democracies were in a position to insist that the old communist "Nomenklatura" should be turfed out, brought to book and/or at least prevented from retaining their power network and destroy the evidence of their criminal, murderous, bloodthirsty past. Similar to what took place in Germany after the defeat and collapse of the of the Hitler regimein 1945."