AHF Headlines
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>London 2012 saw Hungary repeat its historic Olympic excellence. Some have called Hungary's 2012 Olympic performance a "miracle," but in reality, the miracle has been Hungary's historic performance since 1896. Hungary's 17 medals and incredible 8th ranking in total Gold in London is exemplary of where Hungary has been for the last century! Hungary ranked 5th in Gold per Capita!
As we celebrate the Spirit of the Games and the success of Hungary and all the Olympic athletes and express our gratitiude for their excellence and to their families who have sacrificed so much, we also also take the opportunity to congratulate Hungarian-Americans Rebecca Soni (Sőni) (2 Golds and a Silver with 2 World Records) and Susan (Zsuzsanna) Francia (Gold Medalist and 5-time World Champion!), and Julie Zetlin, (the United States' only representative forRhythmic gymnastics and the first and only rhythmic gymnast to qualify from the United States since 2004) on their fantastic London 2012 performances for the United States! We also congratulate the Hungarian Paralympians who earned an additional 14 medals (2 gold, 6 Silver, and 6 Bronze!)
As of 2012, Hungary Ranks 8th in Gold Medals! More than Russia, Australia and Japan! Hungary also Ranks 8th Overall! More than China, more than Russia! [read more] on Bryan Dawson's "Nobel Prize Winners and Famous Hungarians."
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>8/21/2012 - AHF sends letter to Romanian Ambassador and Chairmen of the US Helsinki Commission regarding the Szekely-Miko Case: AHF is "deeply concerned that the prosecution of former state secretary Attila Marko, Silviu Vlim and Tamas Marosan in connection with the restitution to the Reformed Diocese of
Transylvania of the Szekely Miko Evangelical Reformed College ("MEC") in Sfantu-Gheorghe, Romania was not justified. It only serves to further stall, and in this instance reverse, the lawful restitution of church properties and discriminate against Romania's Hungarian minority... [ read more]
8/31/2012 - Amerikai magyarok is tiltakoznak a Mikó Kollégium ügyében: „A magyar kisebbség érthető okok miatt nem csupán egy restitúciós problémát lát a sepsiszentgyörgyi Mikó Kollégium ügyében, hanem egy közösség elleni célirányos tevékenységet, az intolerancia, diszkrimináció megnyilvánulását. A bigottság, az intolerancia a demokráciában hívő emberek meggyalázása, és sérti a nyugati értékeket, normákat" [tovább]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>22.08.2012 - Indokolatlannak tartja a sepsiszentgyörgyi Székely Mikó Kollégium restitúciója ügyében érintett személyek elleni bűnvádi eljárást az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség (AMSZ). Tízezres nagyságrendben várnak tüntetőket Sepsiszentgyörgyre a Székely Mikó Kollégium visszaállamosítása elleni tüntetésre szeptember elsején. [tovább]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>7/17/2012 - AHF releases statement, "Romania: Reversing Lawful Church Property Restitution, Through Criminal Prosecution." AHF is deeply concerned that the prosecution of former state secretary Attila Marko, Silviu Vlim and Tamas Marosan in connection with the restitution to the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania of the Szekely Miko Evangelical Reformed College ("MEC") is a baseless and blatant attempt by the authorities to further stall and reverse the lawful restitution of church properties seized by the communists. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>17.07.2012 - Aggódik az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség a Székely Mikó Kollégium ügye miatt. [tovább]
18.07.2012 - Mikó ügy: tisztességes és gyors restitúciót akar az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség [tovább]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>6/8/2012 - Hungarian Review publishes article, "The Soldier Who Saved the Lives of Budapest's Jews: Col. Ferenc Koszorus." The courageous intervention of Col. Ferenc Koszorus and his loyal First Armored Division on July 6, 1944 blocked the deportation of the more than 250,000 Jews of Budapest. [read more]
6/12/2012 - In a related story, Heti Valasz publishes: "Emlékezzünk a magyar hősökre is! A Wallenberg-év lehetőségei": Mindent el kell követni, hogy Kelet-Európa valós második világháborús szerepe rögzüljön a nyugati és az amerikai köztudatban. [tovább]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>5/29/2012 - AHF participates in drafting CEEC Policy Brief on minority rights and NATO expansion and issues multiple action alerts including: Supporting S. 2177, the NATO Enhancement Act, introduced by Sen. Richard Lugar to encourage further enlargement of NATO and to deepen U.S. strategic partnerships with NATO allies. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>5/22/2012 - AHF Co-President Gyula Balogh joins US Ambassador Kounalakis in laying wreath on the 200th Anniversary of the Death of Col. Commandant Michael Kovats de Fabricy. US Ambassador to Hungary, Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis, spoke at the May 11th event, held in Col. Kovats' birthplace, Karcag. Kovats is considered a Founding Father of the US Cavalry who gave his life in the American War for Independence while leading the Continental Army cavalry he had trained in Hungarian hussar tactics against a British siege of Charleston. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>5/12/2012 - AHF's AMOKA program Donates Laptops to Zalabér Elementary School. Erika Fedor, AHF Social Committee Chair, presented the laptops to Albert Kiss, principal of the Zalaber Middle School. The donation is part of the "Classrooms of Tomorrow" project that bridges Hungarian students in Zalaber with American counterparts at McIntosh Middle School in Sarasota, Florida. The program's objective is to have students in Hungary work directly on scientific and agricultural topics with their US counterparts via teleconferencing. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>5/11/2012 - Budapest conference to mark 90th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Hungary and the US Lecturers at the May 9th conference included US political scientist Prof. Andrew Ludanyi, member of the AHF International Affairs Committee, as well as Katrina Lantos Swett, president and CEO of the Tom Lantos Institute. The conference was concluded with speeches by Hungarian Ambassador to the US Gyorgy Szapary and US Ambassador to Hungary Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>5/1/2012 - The 7th Annual Hungarian Charity Ball raises funds for worthy causes... The annual Jótékonysági Est (Benefit Event) is sponsored by the American Hungarian Federation and the Hungarian Scouts of Washington. This year, the Ball supported a very unique educational program promoting scholarly exchange between middle-school students in Sarasota, Florida, and Zalaber in Hungary. This year's event was held in the Ballroom of the Sheraton Premier in Tyson's Corner. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>4/16/2012 - Holocaust Memorial Month - Raoul Wallenberg Remembered on Capitol Hill. U.S. Congressman Harris recalls Col. Ferenc Koszorus, Sr., Hero of the Holocaust. AHF honors the millions of lives lost and the untold suffering caused by Nazism and Communism. Hungarian Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle, Members of Congress, the Lantos family, Embassies, AHF representatives, and friends of Hungary gathered in the Capitol to pay tribute to Wallenberg. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>3/11/2012 - AHF commemorates Hungarian National Day and the 1848 War of Independence. The commemoration emphasized Hungary's revered history of standing up for freedom and liberty against great odds, including in 1848 – 1849, and urged that this history not be defamed through political expediency. Bryan Dawson, AHF Executive Chairman, delivered the 2012 Keynote Address entitled, "Novus Scotus Viator: A Case for a Kossuth-style Worldview in 2012." [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>3/5/2012 - AHF has Follow-Up Capitol Hill Meeting on Recent Congressional Trip to Hungary and Slovakia. Prior to the delegation's trip the Federation submitted background information on Hungary and Slovakia to the CODEL. "At a time when there is considerable misinformation being disseminated about Hungary and so little known about the discrimination against the Hungarian minority in Slovakia, we believe such fact-finding missions are most useful, welcome and greatly appreciated," said Mr. Koszorus. [read more]
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>2/17/2012 - AHF briefs top professional staff advisor to Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia on the eve of congressional delegation (CODEL) trip to Hungary and Slovakia. The Federation submitted a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member along with significant background materials on Hungary and Slovakia and called their attention to recent harsh and often politically motivated and unfair criticism of Hungary and the anti-Hungarian attitudes, <![if !vml]> <![endif]>policies and practices in Slovakia [read more] and join the discussion on Politics.hu!
<![if !vml]> <![endif]>1/24/2012 - AHF reacts to what it sees as politically motivated, unmerited, biased criticism of Hungary. "...the Federation urges and calls for objectivity and evenhandedness bereft of partisan politics when judgments are made about the state of democracy in Hungary and the region. Hungary has a revered history of standing up for freedom against great odds, and it is not to be defamed through political expediency." [read more]