Kattintani > Az összes bejegyzés tartalomjegyzéke 2007. szeptember 10.-től

2011. december 19., hétfő



von Brindza András, Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011 um 21:03



The undersigned Hungarian persons and leaders of independent civil organizations find it abhorrent and unacceptable that in the last 223 years large scale international and civil wars were instigated by the same group of lying, malicious, premeditated criminal, dictatorial-neoliberal, corrupt world government formulating, ruthless and evil international finance, media and political shadow government mafia who are yet again bent on creating another devastating war against a sovereign peace loving nation or nations !!

( e.g: this powerful shadow banking elite paid the Russian army's costs fighting against the freedom fighters of the 1848-1849 Hungarian Revolution; their funding played a decisive role in instigation of the first and second World Wars; in 1910 they funded Lenin with about 20 million gold Marks, around 1931 they funded Hitler with about $25 million; their soul is darkened by their deeds with the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan; they planed and executed the illegal and shameful 1920 Treaty of Trianon dismembering Hungary from more than 2/3 of it's land; the current monetary collapse created by the manipulation of the private monetary, media networks with  their puppet political parties who by now have lost all credibility with through role in this crisis; and now they want to attack a country that has not provoked or attacked another country for 2500 years; the shadow power elite is now seeking exclusive world dominance !! )


It is also unacceptable for a country's leaders to be threatening other countries with their destruction !!

We also consider unacceptable, illegal and immoral the full or partial military occupation of countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Tibet, the West Bank, Chechnya, and any other independent country, as well as, the colonization of the EU countries' financial-economic and political systems !!


Therefore, we call upon all nations to support our world-wide campaign to boycott the financial, economic, political and touristic centres of countries who are endangering the world's peace, security and environment by preparing to initiate criminal, unjust, and illegal aggression against peaceful countries !!!


There is only one clear road against the intention of initiating war, that is through the personal, and collective practicing of Love.  " Love inspires men to do good."  ( Apostle Paul )


If the forces of darkness and the anti-christ initiate war, then we ask all well-intentioned, honest, responsibly thinking and acting people and politicians in the world to do everything in their power to align by those working towards peace, and to thwart those wishing to trigger war !!!


( for example: never again vote for the reigning guilty politicians and political parties of the aggressor countries, do not buy the aggressor countries' as well as the shadow elite's multi-national companies' products, the list of these multinationals will be announced if they initiate the war, and we will share and spread this information attached to the Boycott Proclamation via the Internet, twitter, newspaper, TV, etc., as well as on our Facebook page where we ask you to share and Like our events page with your friends and contacts !! )


We also ask our fellow men and women to never again vote for those parties and politicians - the servants and resident supporters of the shadow power elite that have steered their own countries into indebtedness, an economic and political crisis and dependency by the unconstitutional and treasonous act of handing the private international financial and money masters  (or at times, not taking back) the constitutional and highest governing power of government; the issuance of money, lending, setting of interest rates and exchange rates !!!

This happened in the U.S. with the formation of the Fed in 1913, and in Hungary in 1991!


In addition, we call upon everyone, respecting  the right to our life and the universal respect for human rights, to refuse commands from superiors that are against our humanity and our environment -- do not engage in a sinful war of aggression as a matter of conscience !!


You can read more about the hidden, shadow government, and the elite power structure that controls it at www.fennmaradas.freeweb.hu, under Leleplező  menu, and the periodical under the same name, Leleplező (Revealer ), and also the "The New World order and loss of financial sovereignty of Hungary in 1999 – 2000"  (by Dr.Janos Drábik)  

In the  Leleplező , the article on : "Regime change is inevitable" (by Andras Brindza )  Full title of the article: "The Neo-liberal system, based on privately owned fiscal enterprise, usury, exploitation, media- and party dictatorship – has failed. A change of paradigm is inevitable."

The written works of Istvan Siklaky make important revelations in: "Existential security and Harmony" published in 2003, and the book by Dr. József Halász  on  "The paradigm of the new epoch  is in the Sacred Crown of Hungary."   He gives a clear model of the organizational project for the  European Confederation, as an exemplary legal framework for the organic coexistence and harmony for all nations in Europe.

On YouTube please find two Films : "Invisible Empire" and "Zeitgeist" !! )


"Violence – except in self-defence – is the haven for the weak..! Evil will sooner or later consume itself ! Diplomacy and good politics are more powerful than the most powerful army, for an example see: Switzerland!

Bad, unjust and immoral policy can destroy our lives, our country and our world.  'Goodness' helps all of us, our country and the rise in prosperity of the world !"


Thank you and kind regards, Andras Brindza, author, ( Union for Survival Movement est. 2000 )


Signatories and supporters of this Boycott Proclamation:


Movement for Survival  ( ÖFEM ), www.fennmaradas.freeweb.hu

National Association of Hungarian Regime-change, www.marevosz.hu


Dr. János Drábik, lawyer, philosopher. Author of 16 books, eg :

Civilisation of Usuary 1,2,3  and  The dictatorship of money, The Chosen One

Dr. László Bogár, professor of economics,, author of 9 books, defining studies on social-economy.( eg: Down the slopes of existence )

Dr. Lajos Pappprofessor, a retired heart surgeon, the author of seven books. co-author of the

Hungarian National Strategy 1 and 2

József Tatár, author of: "The Right to Resist" chairman of  Forum for Change of the Social System

Dr. József Halász, lawyer, IT programmer, author, mathematician, author of numerous studies on the EC. "The paradigm of the new epoch is in the Sacred Crown of Hungary"

Attila Varga, retired lieutenant colonel, author of: "The Bible and Security policies"

Dr. Gábor Bene, lawyer, author of: "Evolution or Revolution"

Dr. Janos Horkovics-KovatsHungarian Noble Order,  owner of HUN TV, www.huntv.info

Vitez Elemér Stephen Marko, a member of the Historical Order of Vitéz

Dr. Gáspár Judit,  psychiatrist

János Kovács, founder and chief editor of  www.nemzetihirhalo.hu   

Gyula Kósa, freedom fighter: 1956, retd. accountant, English translator

Árpád Harangi ,  Association of the Sacred Crown


Done at Budapest, 2011. December 1st - 14th in the month of dreams